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Jet flight

Yesterday, Swiss Eves Rossi became the first person in the world to demonstrate flying on his own “jet wings”.

He jumped from a plane from a height of 2.4 km and spent 5 minutes in horizontal flight at a speed of 300 km / h, after which he safely landed with a parachute on the ground. The 2.5-meter wingspan itself is powered by four jet-turbine engines Jet-Cat P200. There is no built-in control system in them, so that Eve changes the direction of movement exclusively with the movements of his own body. It is worth noting that the first tests of this system took place back in 2007, as a result of which the wings were damaged. But the creator did not give up, rather, on the contrary, not only repaired, but also improved the whole structure, well, now it has successfully demonstrated it in action.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25504/

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