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DevCon 2015: announcement of the speakers - representatives of the community

Dear friends! We are pleased to present you the results of the selection of speakers based on applications that have been received within a few months from the developer community to speak at the DevCon 2015 conference.

For several months we received dozens of applications from developers not only in Russia. but also other countries that have shown great interest in participating in our conference. Below you will find a list of speakers and their proposed reports, which were selected by the conference organizing committee (specific topics of reports with speakers will be discussed further). In the selection process, we were guided not only by the proposed topics, experience and fame of the speaker, but also took into account the results of the voting on the DevCon website.

Sergey Zvezdin

ASP.NET Application Monitoring Based on the Application Insights Service
After launching the application in production, in most cases we send it to free floating and we don’t know anything about its work. Application Insights is designed to fill this gap and gain comprehensive knowledge of how your application works and what efforts we need to make to make it better.
Configuring ASP.NET vNext Applications: Rethinking and New Concepts

The application configuration model in the new version of ASP.NET has undergone significant changes. In this report, we will look at what exactly the developers should expect from the new configuration system and how to survive the current projects in the new reality.

Denis Kretov

IBeacon technology in payment solutions. Cross-platform solution using Azure and Xamarin (iOS, GoogleAndroid, WinPhone)

The payment solution is a quick purchase service using iBeacon technology. This is a platform useful to offline stores and customers - shops can place their iBeacon tags, and the platform will tell about the product and offer to buy it when the buyer passes by. The user with the installed application will receive a Push notification with information about the product and a discount on it. When you go to the application, the product card will open with the option to pay by credit card. The goal is a one-click purchase. The report will be based on a demonstration of the work of iBeacon in conjunction with iOS, GoogleAndroid, WinPhone. The code will be written using Xamarin. The topic of integration with Azure and payment services will be touched upon (using Yandex.Deneg as an example)

Alan Mendelevich

Developer’s guide to promoting and monetizing Windows Phone applications
Many developers are more than able to create high-quality mobile applications, but unfortunately the quality of the idea and execution is often not enough to achieve success in the Store. In this report, we will examine the techniques, techniques and tricks used by leading independent publishers to promote and monetize mobile applications.

Sergey Olontsev

SQL Server 2014 In-Memory OLTP Architecture and Interior

Undoubtedly, In-Memory OLTP technology is one of the key subsystems in SQL Server 2014. Many people wonder why with this innovation such a significant increase in productivity is achieved. The report will provide a detailed description of the internal architecture and the In-Memory OLTP device, and it will be useful to developers for a deeper understanding of the technology.

Features of application development using SQL Server 2014 In-Memory OLTP

Undoubtedly, In-Memory OLTP technology is one of the key innovations in SQL Server 2014. This report will give a detailed description of this technology, its application scenarios and what needs to be considered in order to maximize the performance of your applications.

The whole truth about DML operations

Much attention is paid to optimizing SELECT queries, but at the same time, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations are rarely affected. The report will describe in detail how SQL Server performs these actions, what difficulties may arise, and how to make them run as efficiently as possible.

Performance problems, reporting from the battlefield

In the course of the report, real-world examples will examine which performance problems of queries in SQL Server may encounter, as well as possible solutions to these problems.

Alexey Losev

Statistical process analysis

When developing software using flexible methodologies, many reject metrics or make wrong conclusions based on them. How to choose what to measure and how to process the results? Collecting all the information about a project in TFS, you can not only accumulate it, but also analyze it in real time. In the report I will tell you what Shewhart control charts are and how they can be applied to the metrics used in the development process.

Stanislav Vyschepan

Web Application Development with TypeScript

Today it is difficult to imagine developing web applications without using JavaScript. But JavaScript causes discontent among developers who write in C # or another typed language, and it is quite justified. The TypeScript language allows writing code in JavaScript, while being typed and bypassing the pitfalls of the language. Come to the report and learn how to save a lot of time and nerves when developing web applications.

PowerBI - new data analysis capabilities in the cloud

PowerBI is a new service for analyzing and visualizing data in the cloud. The recent update has opened up many service usage scenarios that will be in demand both by companies and web application developers. In the report you will learn what opportunities have appeared in PowerBI and how to use them in work.

George Mogelashvili

Experimenting with sites in the cloud using Azure Website Testing in Production

When working with a large website, it is important to understand that any change affects millions of people. How to make the right decision? For this, A / B testing is carried out in order to understand how the novelty will affect performance and profit. Now, using the latest Microsoft Azure tools, it is easy to conduct an experiment. In the report I will tell you what Websites Testing in Production is and how it can help your business.

About DevCon 2015

Details about the DevCon 2015 conference can be found in the following articles:

See you at the conference,
DevCon 2015 team.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255027/

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