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On the site "Echo of Moscow" closed "garbage"

By decision of the chief editor of "Echo of Moscow" Alexei Venediktov on the site of the radio station closed forum . This is due to the huge amount of flooding and extremist statements: the moderators simply could not cope with their number.

“Scum has been kicked out of the ground,” says Alexei Venediktov, commenting on the closure of the forum in his regular online interview . And presenter Alexander Plyuschev writes : “And thank God, I hope that he will never be reborn. Moreover, not at all because, as they say, there was a dump there - I have not looked there for several years? I have no idea what was going on there. Although I guess that in those years that I did not moderate it (and there was such a thing) and do not read, there is hardly anything that has changed for the better. Forums, as a form of communication on the Internet, are becoming obsolete and a modern resource should throw off such anachronisms as the snake sheds its skin. There is nothing tragic about it, on the contrary. ”

Forum Echo of Moscow is closed
For feedback with the Internet audience, Echo has a more modern means of communication - blogs of leading radio stations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/2550/

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