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Roem.ru will be your web studio rating

The attitude to the Tagline-2008 rating turned out to be ambiguous and roem.ru is going to compile its ranking of web-studios by turnover. Moreover, all companies from hundreds of tagline'a invitations to participate in the rating will be sent by Yuri Synodov. Those who were not in the rating will have to send an application by themselves. Sample application is here . It will have to be sent by registered letter on the company's letterhead with the signature of the responsible person and stamp. Thus, the compiler of the rating protected himself from possible claims. All data will be checked by phone. It turns out easier than the tagline.
Interestingly dissatisfied with the roem.ru rating will be more than the "tagline"?

UPD: Another interesting rating is seonews . Unlike the previous ones, it will be based on customer feedback. The main criterion is the quality of services.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25499/

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