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Product Design Digest March 2015

For five years now I have been publishing regular reviews of fresh articles on the topic of interfaces, new tools and collections of patterns, interesting cases and historical stories. From the tapes of several hundred thematic subscriptions, approximately 5% of the worthwhile publications are selected that are interesting to share. Previous materials: April 2010-February 2015 .

Product Design Digest March 2015

Patterns and Best Practices

Baymard E-Commerce Product List Usability: Report & Benchmark
New Baymard Institute report on product list pages on e-commerce sites. Publicly available excerpts from it:

Getting Users Back From Multitasking
Ben Watanabe parses the multitasking mode in iOS as another way to make working with the application more useful. It shows a reduced version of the last open screen, although it would be more useful to replace it with the squeeze of fresh information from the application.

Infographics: Cheat sheet on the size of graphic elements in social networks
Detailed cheat sheet on the size of graphic elements in social networks. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Vkontakte, My World, Odnoklassniki.

The Low Hanging Fruit Of User Onboarding
History of how to educate users at the start of working with the product and a look at their future from Des Traynor.

Excerpts from a fresh book about interaction design UXPin

Continuous Input In Mobile Devices - Pain Or Gain?
Igor Fastovsky examines the method of keyboard input on mobile using swype-like gestures. He offers several improvements for him, allowing to solve two main problems - some characters are not visible, and the user does not always remember where the next letter he needs is located. The decision is controversial, but interesting.

Accessibility APIs: A Key To Web Accessibility
About the technical aspects of creating an accessible environment in a web browser and a little about the history of the issue. On the one hand, the article is for techies, but usability should be an interdisciplinary field. Without an understanding of the limitations or opportunities that technology presents to us, effective work is impossible. And in this article it is very clearly explained what you can pay attention to when working on the accessibility of the web environment.

Animation patterns in known applications

Beyond Blue Links - Making Clickable Elements Recognizable
Hoa Loraner lists the rules for the selection of interactive elements in the interface.

Niice - A search engine with taste
Niice app for iOS, tool for creating mindboards, has been released.

Customers Who Bought This… Affinity Analysis Explained
Jeff Sauro on how the formula offers similar products in online stores. The article has visual calculations showing how the relationships between them are verified.

How does the length of a landing page affect its conversion
When to choose a short, and when a long version.

UX Archive Animated
Now UX Archive also collects animation examples in mobile applications.

Mystical guidelines for creating great user experiences
A funny parallel of the design process with the way the Torah describes the process of creating the world. Rather funny than useful, but from this side no one has ever entered.

The Curse of the Mobile Strategy
Jared Spool on the "curse" of mobile strategy. Concentration on only one channel significantly reduces the choice of possible options. It is necessary to think and act at the level of general product strategy, not limited to one of them.

Understanding the user

67 Ways to Increase Conversion with Cognitive Biases
Jeremy Smith has built a cool collection of 67 cognitive distortions that are used to control user behavior. The collection is quite serious and extensive. It agrees that the article begins with contraindications to the use and the principle “do no harm”.

Winning Over Wary Participants
People behave differently, including usability testing participants. For some participants, testing is stressful, unnecessary worrying. Jim Ross provides several behavioral techniques that will prevent or reduce unnecessary user anxiety during testing.

A selection of theories and concepts on the topic that users are more likely to scan than read texts on the web. The ending and conclusions are blurred, but the article contains many useful references on this issue.

Positive Design Reference Guide
The book "Positive Design Reference Guide" by S.Jimenez, AEPohlmeyer and PMADesmet, which collected 29 models, theories and frameworks dedicated to "well-being-driven" design, leaving the user a good impression from the use.

Design for Asian countries

Change Blindness - What Designers Expect
Kathryn Whitenton on "blindness to change" - why users do not notice some small changes on the site or in the application, which they, according to the idea of ​​the creators of the product, should have noticed. For example, the appearance of error messages or success, filtering results.

Understanding Context: Environment, Language, and Information Architecture
An excerpt from Andrew Hinton’s Understanding Context: Environment, Language, and Information Architecture. The book is devoted to understanding the current context of the user, and this chapter talks about the importance of stories in the description of the interaction experience.

In Design, Empathy is Not Enough
Dan Saffer says that sometimes empathy is not enough to create a good design. For optimal results, you need to keep a balance between empathizing the user and observing user experiences from an impartial point of view. Both extremes do not lead to better results. Continuing the theme:

Design for the elderly

Information architecture, conceptual design, content strategy

Card generator
A simple online service for preparing card sorting from Lukas Mathis. You need to enter the terms in the column and you can get their printed version, marked by cards.

Service Design: Holistic Assessment Methodology
Memo on the basics of service design and case studies in the University of Michigan library. New information is small, but quite well and in detail laid out on the shelves.

Design and design of interface screens

Adobe Comp CC
Adobe has released the Comp CC app for prototyping on the iPad. The basis is not much different from other similar tools, but in practice very pleasant solutions in the details. And most importantly - you can throw in the developments in InDesign, Photoshop or Illustrator for further refinement. Well, in general, it is built on Adobe technology, which means it is perfectly tied to other services - including Typekit. Khoi Vinh participated in its creation.

Bind - Building an experimental UI design tool
Alastair Monk makes his tool for designers Bind. You can’t try it yet, but it talks about its basic principles - versioning with Git, adaptability by default using Grid Style Sheets.

Napkin - Design quick mocks, directly on your phone
Another application for creating prototypes of mobile applications right on the phone. So far only iOS.

New to Sketch

Balsamiq 3
The third version of Balsamiq has been released.

Introducing Noun Project for Mac
The Noun Project has released an app for Mac. Subscription costs $ 9.99 per month, there is a 14-day sampler.

Pixel squid
A new trend is emerging - image drains with the possibility of detailed adjustment before downloading and easy use after it. The first is that you select an image from a quickly replenished collection of the image, select the desired angle (!) And get the image in PSD; all in layers, even the lighting; masks for quick selection and quick isolation. The second, Illustrio, is a vector stock; before downloading, you can change many parameters (for each picture are your own), for example, extend the arms of a robot or recolor the color of a medal. Continuing the theme:

Plugin for Adobe Illustrator that allows you to overtake graphics from layouts in HTML5.

Nietzsche ipsum
Text generator in the spirit of Nietzsche instead of lorem ipsum.

Work with iOS8

Publishing Tools

How To Create Effective App Screenshots for Your App Page
Explanatory instructions for preparing screenshots for Android, iOS and Windows Phone app stores. Melanie Haselmayr provides a checklist of the necessary information and graphics for various platforms, and also deals with several approaches to the assembly of the illustrations themselves. Continuing the theme:

From Page to Stage to Screen - Designing an Omni-Channel Experience
Traci Lepore is trying to highlight the features of the environment for the types of platforms - desktops, tablets, phones, kiosks, mailing lists, social networks. Each has its own capabilities and limitations, which are important to consider when cross-channel interaction between them.

New for Material Design

New for Pebble

Apple Watch

New for Android Wear

User research and testing, analytics

Evangelising user research
The time of the fat reports that no one reads has passed. David Travis gives an overview of simple and effective lean methods for analyzing and presenting user research results.

The user is drunk
An excellent new approach to testing interfaces - Richard Littauer for $ 250 will check your site in a drunken state. At the exit a report with the found problems and screencast.

How Hard Are Your Surveys To Take?
Jeff Sauro proposes a method for checking user surveys in order to have better results. He called it SRS (Survey Respondent Score) and this is something like the Nielsen heuristics, which are recommended to run a survey before its launch.

A Beginner's Guide to Web Site Optimization
Good tutorial on the course of A / B testing from Charles Shimooka. How to coordinate with other teams, choose tools, analyze results.

Does Response Timing Matter in Online Research?
Jeff Sauro is trying to understand how much the response rate of respondents in surveys affects the quality of the assessment. This will allow the use of data in the course of the study, without waiting for it to end. Previously conducted research either does not show influence, or suggests that those who respond faster are more supportive. The findings from his experiment show that there is no significant influence.

Should Your Entire Product Team Observe Usability Testing?
The discussion at UXMatters about why it is important to invite the whole team to user research sessions.

Uxeria - Remote usability testing and marketing tool
Another tool for remote usability testing is Uxeria. Everything is pretty standard on the set of features.

Visual programming and browser design

Tumult Hype 3 Pro - The Next Revolution in HTML5 Animation
The release of the third version of Hype Pro. Interactive reusable animated objects with a physical model and adaptability for websites, iBooks, advertisements.

New to Quartz Composer

Component systems and live guidelines

Web typography

CSS animation

Work with SVG

Work with color on the web

Work with Flexbox

New scripts

Xcode for designers

Metrics and ROI

One Magic Formula to Calculate User Experience?
Wouter de Bres is trying to derive the universal formula UX. It uses load time parameters (technological and cognitive), value and quality of interaction. There are many controversial points and inconsistencies, but the idea itself is interesting.

Design of public sites

Management of interface projects, processes and teams

No Dickheads! A Guide To Building Happy, Healthy, And Creative Teams.
The most charming spirit-lifting article about team building from Rhys Newman. He examines in some detail the values ​​that should underlie a strong and well-coordinated team capable of creating cool products. One of the best materials on the topic.

Understanding and Influencing Business
Liam Friedland is trying to shift Michael Porter's value chain to design projects.

What does Pair Design look like?
Pair programming is a fairly well-known method. Chris Noessel and Suzy Thompson from Cooper talk about pair design.

False Dichotomies
Lukas Mathis on how to avoid false dichotomy when discussing design decisions. Often in the course of an argument, the team splits around a couple of options and heats up the situation with an argument, instead of digging further and finding other approaches.

Product management and analytics

Overthinking vs. Underthinking - Finding the Sweet Spot
A good Kingshuk Das column about the biases in pure design thinking and classic strategic business planning. The first generates a lot of motivating, but not attached to life and business ideas, the second - an endless set of analytical materials in which it is difficult to make an informed choice. He offers a table of situations in which the first and second approaches are applicable.


Disney's $ 1 Billion Bet on a Magical Wristband
Disney MagicBand, in the design of which participated frog - perhaps the largest UX-project of the decade.

All on schedule: how to monitor user activity on the main Mail.Ru helps to live and ...
My colleague Olga Kuritsyna tells about the analyst of the main Mail.Ru page in conjunction with major events in the country. It is interesting how offline events affect the work of a large audience with web services.

Consider A Case Study
Claire Carlson shares the experience of conducting user research in Brazil. What should be taken into account in this market in particular and in general when conducting international research on-site.

Redesign Cases


Readable Wearables
A new era is opening for the web - adaptability takes smart watches into account. Matt Griffin talks about how they adapted the Bearded studio site for very small screens.

Google HATES Your Non Mobile Site
Craig Tomlin about the new rules of Google search results, which now takes into account not only the mobile version of the site, but also its quality. According to colleagues, the company pays attention even to the compatibility of the possibilities of a large and mobile version. The article is a simple tutorial on finding such problems. Continuing the theme:


Car Interfaces

Design In Tech Report 2015
John Maeda report on the significant increase in the role of design in modern technology companies over the past few years. Designers base successful companies, large companies buy design studios, designers become partners in venture capital companies.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

For general and professional development

Ux reactions
The collection of gifs on topical aspects of design work. A good way to diversify project correspondence.

The Web's Grain by Frank Chimero
An article based on the presentation of Frank Chimero about professional philosophy, in which he is trying to reassemble the current understanding of the role and tasks of the designer in the modern web. An interesting approach to adaptive design and the whole environment for which products are created.

Helvetica / Objectified / Urbanized: The Complete Interviews
The book “Helvetica / Objectified / Urbanized: The Complete Interviews” has been published, collecting 100 interviews from three well-known design films. Fast Co Design publishes part of a conversation with Dieter Rams from there .

Announcements of trainings and seminars

New online courses

Designing for Medical
Ted Goas writes about the features of the designer in the company that makes medical services. Because of the tough laws on the protection of personal data in the industry increased secrecy, and the equipment of users is often prehistoric. But the tasks themselves and the opportunity to help real people are wildly interesting.

Critical sharks
Very sensible discourse on whether it is possible to criticize the work of large companies. Of course, they have to take into account thousands of nuances and act within the strict limits of time and resource constraints, plus all this in an aggressive competitive environment. But without dialogue in the industry, it will be harder to develop. The reason itself (release iOS7) is already rotten, but the material is fresh and the topic is still relevant. The third part of the link is the most sensible. Part 1 and 2 .

Translation of the MailChimp book “The UX Reader” by FRIA

Web UI Design for the Human Eye - Colors, Space, Contrast
Another book from UXPin this year, this time about the colors, indents and the necessary level of contrast in the interfaces.

Excerpts from Golden Krishna's The Best Interface is No Interface

Ergonomist number 40
The 40th issue of the Ergonomist newsletter has been published. There you will find materials devoted to the problems of professional assessment and selection of personnel, information about new conferences and publications, as well as some funny ergonomic "sabotage"

The Value of Apprenticeships in Cooking and Product Design
Melissa Mandelbaum compares the experience of internship in design with the way beginner chefs learn and talks about their joining the profession.

People and companies in the industry

The Demise of LayerVault and the Market for Creative Tools
Another sudden news this year - LayerVault versioning system for designers is closing . Last year and a half new tools for designers appeared almost every week, and then suddenly leaving the market one of the oldest and most famous among them. Khoi Vinh ponders why and if it touches the rest. Perhaps this is due to the purchase of something similar service Pixelapse Dropbox - there was a monster competitor, which greatly undermined the development prospects.

How they got there - A book by Khoi Vinh
Khoi Vinh published the book How They Got There fourteen detailed interviews with famous designers. They talk about their career in detail, with all its strange twists and turns. The first of them was published as a probe , with Erika Hall UX-researcher . It turned out that she lived in Russia for some time and knows a little language. Continuing the theme:

New AMA sessions

Conference proceedings

Conference Review: UX Strategies Summit 2014, part 1
Pabini Gabriel-Petit's report on the UX Strategies Summit 2014 conference held June 10-12 in San Francisco, USA. A rather detailed summary of several keynote speeches, although Kelly Goto has been repeating its presentation for years already.

Video with Interaction15
Video from the conference Interaction15, held February 9-11 in San Francisco, USA.

Fresh links can also be tracked in the Facebook group of the same name. Thanks to everyone who also publishes links in it, especially Gennady Dragun, Pavel Skripkin, Dmitry Podluzhny, Anton Artyomov, Denis Efremov and Evgeny Sokolov. More and more materials in reviews appear thanks to them.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254983/

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