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To help the teacher-teacher. Instant test validation


About 2 years ago, Techcrunch wrote about teacher Walter Duncan, who, using a video clip in which he checks 13 test papers in 30 seconds, drew attention to his project, and later with the help of Kickstarter and funding.

I have a lot of work on duty, so when I became acquainted with this service, I immediately decided to test it on my students.

The program is called Quick Key .
You can download it for both Android and iOS .

Here is a video briefly describing the operation of the application:

Below I will describe my impression from the point of view of practical application in the conditions of our current school.
In addition to the application on the phone, you must create a profile at the office. the site

First about the site. In the menu, everything is simple, from the main there: Courses, Quizzes (the actual tests), Students and Reports. The last two points for our country do not make sense yet. In principle, everything is clear and intuitive, but I will tell you what algorithm of actions I used.

In the Courses section I created the 8 A grade, then in the Students section I added students. There you can download an Excel template and score a class list into it, then import it to the site. In the template, you need to drive in the ID (so that the scanner can recognize the student on the answer form) and in which class the student is recorded, otherwise you will have to manually select it.

Then a test is created and bound to a specific class (s).

Also from the site you need to download a template for posting answers and print the desired number.

That's actually with the preparation and all.
Smartphone application. Its main task is to scan the completed forms. In addition, in the application, you can create a new course, add students, create a test.

There is also a menu that displays tests, courses, students and you can see the results.

Now actually, about the "sea trials". I worked in 8th grade. Although the type of work for children was new, there were no particular complications. Almost everyone immediately understood how to fill out their ID with circles and how to mark the answers.

In general, the work was quite easy, it was interesting for the children themselves to complete.

Now some conclusions.

Of course, this service can multiply reduce the cost of teachers to check. If you spend time preparing, then in the end it will pay off. In addition, the questions remain in the system, you can add tags to them, and in the future of them to do new tests. Also, plus is the fact that from the phone you can see the results of each student and see the rating by class.

It is noticeable that the developers tried to make everything as easy and convenient as possible.

But not everything is so rosy, there are serious disadvantages.
1. You can use only the closed type of tests, that is, with only one answer. Firstly, this in itself is not a very thorough check, and secondly, in such work it is easy to write off, suggest, and so on.
2. Sometimes the phone does not scan the form. It seems that the circles were painted perfectly, but still they did not see. This, of course, can be attributed to the fact that the application is still raw and being finalized.
3. Children should not make mistakes when filling. Incorrectly shaded circle leads to the fact that the form will not be scanned. But. Thanks to the authors, manual input of answers is provided, if there are no errors or the form is not read.

Overall, I liked it. I will try in other classes.
Ps Hello from grade 8)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254971/

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