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We optimize the work schedule.

First, a little background.
Our company is a service, first of all we care about customers and their problems.
This, of course, is wonderfully reflected in our partnership with our customers, constantly someone calls / writes / comes from customers and the guys spend all the time on new orders from customers, minor improvements or just debugging.

At the same time, this situation prevents us from doing our own projects, which have accumulated decently.

The other day I got the idea how to correct this situation without investing in an increase in staff and without changing the orientation of the company.

The idea is to move the weekend for one day twice a month, that is, to rest not on Saturday / Sunday, but on Friday / Saturday. For employees, the number of days off remains the same, and Sunday 2 times a month becomes a full-fledged working day.
What does this give?
On Sunday, you can safely work on internal projects, pull up tails, generate ideas. In general, all the things that can not be done on weekdays, filled with routine.
Sunday was chosen specifically, since none of the clients will definitely call urgent requests to their “holy day off” :). And two weekends Fridays are not critical for customers, especially if they are warned about this in advance.

The opinion of habrasoobshchestva on the performance and pitfalls of this idea is very interesting, since we are going to introduce such an innovation in the near future.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25496/

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