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About the sacred cow, which live well in Runet ... and not only

It seems that on social networks Web 2.0, in general, the world has come together. About startups in other web areas, almost nothing is heard. Original materials on SaaS and Enterprise 2.0 will not find the best search engine in RuNet. In the programs and materials of the CIB-2008 and RIF-2008 conferences, which took place in Russia almost in parallel with the WEB 2.0 Expo, on these topics I, in any case, did not find anything.

At the beginning of May, it was one year since I began posting annotations or excerpts from my blog notes in Habrahabr. These notes are mainly discussed here. In the case of such a significant (for me :)) date, I decided to postpone work on my analytical note about the current state of the business social Internet and return to my favorite topic on the realities of the virtual world . Although so much was said about the use of social networking resources in the Web 2.0 Expo and, specifically, the main stream of investments in the next five years is expected here, I decided that Enterprise 2.0 can wait a week.

I included several sections (mini-notes) in the “anniversary” note. It is perhaps only one thing that combines these different in terms of volume, style and direction - all of them are more or less inspired by the reaction of readers to my last speeches. First of all, this is the Habrovsky version of “ Web 2.0 is dead, long live the Web! "

About one stupid disease and authors who work "for thanks"
What kind of stupid disease recently "continue" articles link to a personal site?

So one reader "scolded me" easily, having read the summary of one of my last notes with a link to the blog where its full text was placed. About such reproaches from habrahdan I get quite often. It’s a paradox, but readers who are provided with content free of charge from the author, nothing but “thank you” for not receiving it, consider themselves entitled to teach this author how he should dispose of his work. And this is despite the fact that in Habré even the “formal” provision provides for the possibility of note-references.
All my attempts to explain that every author in the conditions for the time being :) free content has the full right (of course, within the limits of decency) to do with his “works” what he considers necessary, are usually not taken into account. By the way, the author is free in the same way as any reader who has the same full right not to read copyright notes and not to follow these links if he is not interested.

However, I confess, I also have quite “selfish” interest. No, this is not traffic. In this way, alas, you cannot even increase it by an order of magnitude. Simply, as many of my regular readers know, I will explore the “social” specifics of social networking resources (I apologize for the tautology). And just like a medieval doctor, I sometimes do experiments on myself. For the same, I, in particular, need view counters, which, alas, neither in Habré, nor in LiveJournal, where I also post short versions of my notes, but in my main blog there are. That's all that matters.

So decide for yourself whether to read or not to read ... the original note, which this time includes six more sections: About rich neighbors (why Microsoft and America can only be disliked), About friendship (why we are sometimes afraid to write comments), About of ours and theirs (what virtual communities share among themselves), About one sacred cow (why it’s better not to hurt Web 2.0), about hopes (where and how professionals relate to the perspective of social network resources) and Life and death (when tsifromaniya on the Internet harms the Internet itself). Here I want to give only two more sections that determine the name of the note itself.

About one holy cow
It seemed to me that in my last note a rather topical subject was touched upon. The same Enterprise 2.0. The collective blog of the same name in Habré is the only one where questions of this extremely promising area are regularly raised. And as they rise by me in proud loneliness, they descend.

Not interested?! Or do not agree with the author? I did not understand. Everything again came down to comments on the topic “live or die Web 2.0?” Although a note was not at all devoted to this. It seemed that the majority of commentators didn’t move further than the headline, and if they did, they didn’t consider it necessary to go deep into the issues raised there. Why then comment and even more so to vote?

In general, Web 2.0 I refer to the sacred cows of Runet. Understanding it here in a rather narrow sense as a multitude of social-network resources of general application, most web-oriented specialists do not even allow any attempt to comprehensively analyze the essence, trends and prospects for the development of this direction. And, of course, no one here has the right to doubt that the era of Web 3.0 is about to come. I come across this approach to the problem, starting with my note “ Three reasons why we will never see Web 3.0 ”. As soon as something similar comes out of my “pen”, the note immediately falls into the list of “plumped”, and the karma abruptly goes down. And no reference to the authorities will not help - you can not touch the sacred cows!

About the hopes that the young men feed. Micro research
I found a very interesting phenomenon. It has long seemed to me that attitudes towards social Internet trends vary from region to region, as well as from the time when readers are browsing blogs. And so I decided on my last note to analyze this more closely. The results of my microscopic examination confirmed the presence of interesting correlations. Briefly tell about it.

We divide all readers of my notes into three main groups. The first I live in Moscow time (plus or minus a couple of hours) and reads notes during working hours. The second group also conditionally lives Moscow time, but reads them in the evening after work. The third group lives on the American continent and reads notes after their work, when the Muscovites have a deep night. I omit the nuances and additional explanations. Let me just remind you that I had the opportunity not only to track the dynamics of voting by note and karma, but also to follow the counters of references to the original text.

And what I noticed. The most positive reaction to the note came from readers of the third group , who first proceeded to the vote. The number of advantages in the note quickly passed the top ten, karma also grew somewhat. The situation began to change dramatically when the first group began to work. The note ate was kept in the “zahabrenny”, karma quickly began to fall. The situation and in fact, according to another indicator, were somewhat corrected by readers of the second group , who pulled up later. Once again I will say that what seemed to me before has been confirmed, but now I have some numbers in my hands.

What conclusions do I draw from my observations? There are several of them, but for now I’ll focus on only one. To not lose karma at all :).

Indirectly, I have already touched on this conclusion in a previous article, when I talked about
that it is one thing to read on the Internet about technologies emerging in America, and another thing is to feel the process of giving birth to the new skin. Apparently, it is precisely for this reason that those working in America have already understood that the era of the “gold rush” for Web 2.0 is coming to an end. In the field of more or less massive social network resources, all the more.

With the advent of open and transparent social platforms in this area, prosaic times of usual work are coming, when almost all the places on the market are already occupied and new billionaires here, alas, no one is waiting. In the best case, you can earn on the services serving the "social". But you still want to become a billionaire, try to realize what the market is waiting for, and look for a new Eldorado.

And now look at the resources dedicated to startups in Runet. LiveIdea, for example. It seems that time has stopped, and the tale called "Web 2.0" continues. It is a lot of ideas, but from them the market almost does not smell. First of all, it concerns the public social Internet.

It seems that in this direction, in general, the light has come together. About startups in other web areas, almost nothing is heard. Original materials on SaaS and Enterprise 2.0 will not find the best search engine in RuNet. In the programs and materials of the CIB-2008 and RIF-2008 conferences, which took place in Russia almost in parallel with the WEB 2.0 Expo, on these topics I, in any case, did not find anything.

Indeed, the hopes of young men feed. Yes, and it's nice to live in a fairy tale. Indeed, sometimes you do not want to return to this everyday reality. Therefore, anyone who dares to say that the "social" king, though not naked, but not so powerful, is ready to tear to pieces. After all, "we were born to make a fairy tale come true," and then someone with his truth gets underfoot :).

Once again I remind you that the full text of the note, including the other four sections, can be found in my iTech Bridge blog .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25495/

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