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The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 97 (March 30 - April 5)

We are summing up the next week with the history of the iOS developer’s sledgehammers and micrometers, car navigation, “interesting” encryption in the NQ Vault, MVP tyranny, mobile interfaces and a bunch of different interesting things.

Machine learning in navigation devices: we determine the maneuvers of the machine by the accelerometer and gyroscope

Maps do not know on which lane the car is now located, by means of gps it is problematic to find out, gps has too much error for this. If we knew the current lane, then we would know the speed of movement along the lanes and could well tell the user in an explicit form which lane and when it would be better for him to change lanes. For example, the navigator would say “Continue to hold this lane until the intersection” or “Move to the far left lane”.

Windows 10 for developers

On March 23, teaching materials on windows 10 on Channel9 became available. They have a lot of useful things that make life easier for developers. I will briefly describe all these changes collected from the 8-hour video course. It is better, of course, to read and listen to the original, but for those who find it difficult to spend 8 hours on an English-language course, this article may be useful.

Notes iOS programmer about his hammers, sledgehammers and micrometers

At one fine moment, when at the interviews I was already convinced that I was a senior iOS developer - I had the feeling that I was rested. I am writing similar code, solving problems in similar ways and the feeling that it is not clear where to develop further. I think it’s not just me who faced this problem - the lack of new ideas, concepts, directions. I would like to tell you about those tools and frameworks that helped me overcome this feeling.


Windows phone


Marketing and monetization


Digest last week . If I missed something in the search for updates, send it to the mail, I will quickly add it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254945/

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