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4.04 Happy webmasters


Today is 4.04 webmaster world holiday!

A bit of history:

For the first time the term “webmaster” was introduced into the circulation by the “forefather” of the Internet Tim Berners-Lee in the document “Guide to the style of hypertext online” in 1992. In the early 1990s, when the “public” Internet was just beginning to develop, the functionality of the first webmasters was very diverse: it included the duties of a web designer, author and site moderator, programmer, system administrator, content manager (responsible for semantic content of the site), site technical support employee.

I wanted to congratulate all web developers, web designers, web designers, and other people who are somehow connected with web technologies.

Also, today is the international day of the Internet.

I wanted to wish everyone success in your projects and endeavors.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254915/

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