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BrandTags: What people say and think about brands using tags

Marketing consultant Noah Brier , began a simple and interesting experiment - Brand Tags . The idea is that after seeing the logo, the visitor can say with a single word (tag) everything that he thinks of this or that famous brand, and then view all the “tags” by brand in the tag cloud. If we consider that in the first days of the site’s launch, the author received more than 77,000 tags , then the success of the project is obvious. The display of tags is based on the standard scheme; the more popular a tag is, the larger it is.

At the time of scrolling and viewing one brand, I caught myself thinking that some inconvenience from the long list of tags, and their disconnection with each other, gave food for thought, and the desire to scroll and find a more appropriate term for this brand, and with the tag, with to which I agreed, I received satisfaction, which certainly gives this project an element of the game.

This game is fun to play, but, more importantly, this fascinating experiment, possibly hidden by Crowdsourcing , and if so, is doomed to become a discovery for many smart marketers. Obviously, companies will have a real interest in testing, especially if the brand takes off.

To view the registration is not required, but to add their brands, you need to register. But in any case - the process is fascinating. You will find a lot of inconsistencies, in general, I recommend to play.

Since I couldn’t find a single Russian brand, and I couldn’t have anything to add, I wrote a letter asking me to add those that Noah knows or contact me, and I’ll add them :)

For example, the experiment was set on KAMAZ and AK-47 , so it is possible for those who read and succeed, they can support the Russian manufacturer in this way.

via The Social Trend

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25484/

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