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Concentrated attention

It happens that thoughts run away. You look at the monitor and you really do not see anything. You read the text, but you do not understand anything. It is necessary to write something, invent or draw, but can not concentrate on the task. Surely, this situation is familiar to many. What to do? How to "collect" yourself? Everyone has their own secrets and recipes.

Standing table For example, Jamis Buck of 37signals works at a computer while standing. He says in his article “ Standing versus Sitting” , that this is much better for him than in a comfortable chair that lulls him with its cosiness. At first he put thick books under the monitor, keyboard and mouse, and then he even bought a special table for standing. (in the picture on the right) Now Jamis works less in time, but with greater efficiency.

Or here are my colleagues from our humble company for the best concentration regularly take Nootropil . They claim that he helps them a lot in heavy design work and generally makes them smarter.
As for me, there is also a little secret. From time to time, I drink wild vitamins. No, do not think anything like that, everything is legal. In any pharmacy sell Multitabs Intensive or Vitrum Antistress (there are others). The manual says that they need to drink with vitamin deficiency or heavy loads. I don’t have anything like that, but these vitamins help me greatly to concentrate and generally make me more cheerful.

What secrets of concentration do you have? How do you increase your productivity?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25483/

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