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Work for an idiot

I read here the book "How to work for an idiot" by John Hoover.
Here I came across a very clear idea about "not working for my uncle":

“Abraham Lincoln said that representing his own interests in court guarantees a not very smart client of a not very gifted lawyer, or something like that. Quitting regularly paid work that provides you and your family, in order to accomplish labor exploits, working for yourself, is almost the same. ”

And the most important thing:
“I never understood what it means to work for an idiot until I started working for myself.”


In general, the essence of the book is that each of us is essentially an idiot as much as the boss, it’s just easier to throw a stone at a stone, rather than solve a problem and communicate positively with people.
“John Hoover worked as a manager in the Disneyland presentation department and at McGraw-Hill; In various projects, he acted as a consultant for Delta Air Lines, Hilton Hotels, IBM, Prinronix, Sanyo Fisher and Xerox. ”

Then there are still many of his regalia listed. In general, the uncle who knows.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25480/

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