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Zoho befriends google and yahoo accounts

One of the leading developers of the Zoho Web Office announced that from now on there is no need to create a new account for curious testers who want to try using Zoho applications. Now you can log in to Zoho with Google and Yahoo! After logging in, you can import and synchronize your contacts from Google or Yahoo! .. Document sharing is also supported.

But this event was preceded by a poll conducted in Lifehacker several months ago, several conclusions from it:
1. Most users do not want to create another account for another service;
2. After becoming familiar with Zoho applications, most prefer it to competitors (75%).
Interestingly, for such cooperation it was necessary to agree Google and Yahoo, and the fact that Zoho is a competitor to Google Docs is known to all.

via The Social Trend

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25477/

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