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jQuery + AJAX + (Google Search API || Yahoo Search API)

As is clear from the title - this post will be devoted to working with the Google Search API and the Yahoo Search API through jQuery JavaScript library.

Yahoo Search AJAX API

I'll start by using the Yahoo Search API . And for that there are 2 reasons:
  1. Google service is more buggy than Yahoo (it’s still green)
  2. Yahoo does not pay attention to the ref = "nofollow" attribute, due to which its issue is more complete

So let's get started, first we need to register a Yahoo account and get an " Application Id ".

Your favorite bookmark for a while will be http://developer.yahoo.com/search/ .

Next, we decide for ourselves what search interests us (all links to the relevant sections of the documentation for the Yahoo API):

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25472/

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