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Presentation of speakers of the Desktop UI & Business Application conference. About UI


The other day we told that at the conference it will be included in the part dedicated to backend , today we will tell you what topics will be covered by speakers regarding the user interface in the field of enterprises and the problems associated with it.

And before we proceed to the description of the reports and why they are important, let's say that the picture for attracting attention was chosen for a reason. We have organized nice gifts for new conference participants. Details below.

There is such a problem, called the “clean slate problem”. This is when you have a task, and you are sitting in front of a blank sheet of paper or a new project in the studio and you do not know which edge to begin. Experienced people will say that start from any place, even from the middle, and then everything will go like clockwork, the beginning or some initial phases can be added later. And it is always easier to edit the already created, than to create something from scratch. In programming, the problem of creating from scratch is no longer so acute, because there are a huge number of different code generators, based on the data provided. In some ways, this is a rapid prototyping, on the basis of which it is already possible to try and develop business ideas.

Representative of the DevExpress company, leading developer of the Desktop development department Anton Abanin, will tell just about such a tool. His report focuses on scaffolding technology based on a data model in a database. The report discusses typical tasks arising in the development of business applications on the WPF platform, and proposes effective reusable ways to solve these problems, embodied in the DevExpress Scaffolding Wizard , a rapid development tool for CRUD and LOB applications.

Most likely, many know how many applications exist for simply reading and updating records in the database. Those. You need a simple application with a tabular interface that allows you to edit records in a table or in separate windows. Those. something like this:

Everybody knows it. So, Anton will tell you how to make this routine process quick and painless, giving users what they want. Of course, the questions of interface customization will be touched for a more adequate presentation of data depending on the limitations of the business model.

Moreover, the typical problems of such applications and their solutions will be considered. The most common problems include the following:

In general, all that is found in a typical development.

Another speaker from DevExpress, a company that has vast experience in creating components for the UI, Dmitry Garavsky, the lead developer of the Desktop development division, will talk about how they screwed the MVVM approach to Winforms , and what came of it. From the report you will learn about the application of the popular MVVM pattern to simplify and speed up the process of developing desktop applications.

The common problems of this pattern and the solutions they propose in the cross-platform MVVM framework will be considered. Emphasis will be placed on practical aspects and techniques in terms of using the WinForms platform and controls from DevExpress.

The next sore point when working with the user interface is its testability. Wait a moment, wait, immediately write comments in the style of "do not read @ comment on"! Yes, everyone knows that you need to use the Humble View template, which tells us that the presentation should be as simple as possible (read “stupid”) without any logic inside. But the harsh truth is that the interaction of interface elements with each other is quite complicated at times and it can not be tested. In a more or less acceptable form.

In most cases, the decision is made that the logic is simple enough, and if anything, there is smoke testing. Those. we will simply launch the application and see that everything is in place. But ... often it does not help. We need automated tests for the UI , that the change of one part of the interface has changed the other, that depending on the set of checkmarks, certain features are available or hidden. Scenarios million and all of them "poke" hands very time consuming.

Amir Romashkin , a developer from Deutsche Bank, will talk about a technical solution for testing WPF applications using a simple DLL injection technique. You will see that you can easily test the UI without the Microsoft UI Automation library, and there will even be a demonstration of how you can write your own similar mini-framework.

All the topics listed are good, but they do not make it clear how to make a user-friendly interface . Interprise programs should not be synonymous with "uncomfortable, spartan." On the contrary, they should maximize the efficiency of the production process, so as not to waste time on training new employees, so that the interface is intuitive. Interestingly, Tony Stark would be just as effective in his suit suit if the interface were too simple, which would not give complete information about the state of the systems, or not convenient, then how to manage this entire economy?

Yes, for now, an intuitive interface for many enterprise systems - from the category of fiction and this is hard to imagine without a lot of buttons for adjusting everything and everything, but still. In our opinion, the representative of 1C can tell about the problems and solutions for this type of program, Peter Gribanov , the technological evangelist, can tell.

Business applications are one of the most popular types of software; Many of the people spend most of their day working with ERP, CRM, and other programs that serve the enterprise life cycle. How to make a program that supports complex business processes, easy to use? What can be sacrificed for the convenience of the user? For example, 1C will consider how the user interface of business applications has evolved from DOS to the present day, what techniques are used to improve usability that you can adopt.

And now let me introduce you a surprise gift: Standard PLUS tickets with a gift from our sponsor PluralSight .

1 month access to 3,700+ PluralSight programming courses . The cost of this access is $ 29 (ie approximately 1680 rubles). If you want to learn something new or expand your knowledge with the help of video courses, then the ticket Standard PLUS is your choice! A ticket is de facto for you 3250 - 1680 = 1570 rubles.

Moreover, if you go to a large company and take tickets with a 15% discount, the price is even more profitable.

The number of tickets for the action is limited!
Manage to buy a ticket for Go # today =)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254711/

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