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The Tale of Black Habrastrelka

Hello, my friend. Today I will tell you a tale about the Black Habrastrelka.

There was a young man who loved computers and Aichi. Once he found a wonderful website on the Internet and settled there. It was Habrahabr.

At first everything went great. The young man wrote interesting articles that the community rated highly enough. His habrasila grew, and karma turned green. The young man liked to discuss his and other people's topics with habramen. His habaza dependence stage was at an acceptable level.
The young man also had a developing business, a startup, of course. Thanks to him, he was able to afford a Macbook with a leopard, a fridge with Linux and a beautiful car, similar to a UFO with a convertible top.

But one day, the topic he was working on for a week was picked up and laughed at him in the comments. And someone did not fail to spit in karma. The thirst for revenge swept the young man. He stopped honoring habrakodeks, began to monitor new habratopiki and minus them. And if they were still chosen as a plus, be sure to shit in the karma of the author. He completely abandoned his start-up, didn’t ride his beautiful car anymore, and barely left the house. The only thing he has left is a decent supply of karma, which he let into a dirty deed. Given the speed of adding new Habratopic, he almost did not even have time to sleep to be the first to put a minus.

Black Habrastrelok - called him among the people. No one really knows who he is. But his activity was felt by all. They even talk about a certain Habramessia. When the time comes, a person with the biggest habrasil will appear on the Habré, who will be able to fight off all the karma of the Black Habrastrelka with his own bullet and neutralize him. And the bullets of Habramessia will act only on him, but they will not touch the simple habra people. In the meantime, the Habrasil of the Messiah is small, he trains on the comments, checking on whom they work, and on whom not.

Although some old-timers of Habr believe that everything was completely wrong, that Black Habrastrelok is a completely different entity that can change bodies and sometimes moves even into the happiest Habracheloveks. And no one can beat him. Nevertheless, some folk remedies for fighting the Black Habrastlek are known:

It is also known that sub-locks do not save from the Black Habrastrelka.

Be careful, friends! And may the Force be with you!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25471/

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