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Amateurs vs. Experts - recipes for beginners

Denote the problem: here is an ordinary person who launches a new business and needs new channels to attract customers. This includes a good selling website. This person, no matter how experienced, well read and educated, most likely does not have enough experience to immediately immediately begin to successfully build a strategy in e-commerce. That is, he has not yet crammed enough lumps, has an overly optimistic worldview and is seething with ideas and hypotheses. This is a typical Amateur. The competing experts will be opposed to him in business - people who have felt thousands of mistakes and have invaluable experience. They have only one idea left - it is she who is the main policy of their business. They are far from the enthusiastic "akhov" and do not like smoothies - in general, they are typical mature experts. How can a simple layman create an inexpensive initial website and compete on an equal footing with experienced craftsmen in his market niche?

Lao Tzu: "A knower does not speak, a speaker does not know"


Able to see and hear - can find wisdom and gain useful skills anywhere and at any time. Mankind has not existed for the first hundred years, and the amount of accumulated knowledge, experience, techniques is so great that literally in every branch of human activity today there are just gigabytes of potential benefits.
For example, just watching children in kindergartens, their abilities to learn, communicate, interact with unfamiliar subjects - you can get as much knowledge of UX as from attending a full-fledged course in another British woman. Only there they will “intensively” push this knowledge into you - and here you will be measured and measured, taking into account personal abilities and interests to comprehend them in real life, as befits a true sage.

Likewise, if you watch TV thoughtfully, then tons of slag can be distinguished from common sense diamonds and emeralds of interesting experience. So, on the example of the usual reality show from the Discovery TV channel “Man vs Expert” we will see today how each truth has many faces, and only nonsense is faceless and colorless.


In this purely entertaining program, her presenter, possessing no special skills, in the complete absence of experience and beyond her abilities, challenges the best specialists in the world and most often wins a convincing victory. How it looks like a situation in modern business - as long as the majority are afraid and pulling rubber, believing that all markets are already occupied, that all profits are shared between the leaders, that there is no way to break through in a busy niche, that they will crush, beat, surpass experience - arrogant always appear from nowhere Beginners who overnight easily and naturally dope off experienced gurus and instantly, at the expense of their pressure, take up over any experience and many years of professionalism. Damn, how do they do it? Is cool design possible for a website cheaper than ten thousand dollars? Are there breakthrough ideas without the support of a couple of billionaire investors?

Normal heroes always bypass


The whole essence of success in business, in design, in any other area of ​​interaction with a person, as in the described TV show, is that you need to use a non-standard approach, special knowledge, creativity and terrain folds.

So the slope of the road just a few degrees will help any aspiration to beat the world champion in dragging trucks. Visually, such a bias is impossible to notice, as well as physically surpass an experienced master - therefore, success on the part of it seems like magic.

Overtake professional racer by cutting the road around the lake? But you think motorcycles do not ride on water. That's right, and as long as you think so - others are victorious over champions. And you live on how they lived.


This show also used people who are able to hear special ultrasounds that are not accessible to most people - and due to this, professors and academicians are beaten up in scientific competitions. In the victory in rowing competitions, river flows, laws of physics, aerodynamics and biology were used.

How often it seems to each of us that the river of life cannot be reversed - and endless despondency and passivity embrace us. However, in reality, such rivers, which change their flow to the opposite during the day, exist. And the knowledge of this can help each of you to defeat a recognized champion at once. But while we are not reaching out for new knowledge, we are not even trying to find new solutions - it raises our hands in advance as a sign of surrender, unconditionally acknowledging other authorities - a good site will cost you 10 thousand dollars, and its programming will take at least six months.

But in reality, there are no authorities; everyone can become the best - as soon as he forces himself to think outside the box. Say this is a scam? But here on your leader in the transfer does not do anything illegal, but everything that is not legally forbidden directly - is allowed. A person sees a goal, sees obstacles on the way - and bypasses them. Yes, this is the easiest and most effective path to success from existing. Everything else requires liters of sweat and blood without the slightest guarantee of results.

A.V. Suvorov "It is hard to learn - easy in battle"


Another secret ingredient in this show's victories dish is thorough preliminary preparation. What looks like magic from the outside has days and weeks of hard preliminary work and analysis behind its back. Let us examine the importance of preparing for the battle with examples:

- How can an ordinary person catch more fish than the coolest and most experienced fisherman in the world?
Of course, this can only be done in advance of the week, feeding the place where the competition will take place. This is easier than steamed turnip, and this was not prohibited by anyone.

- How to beat on penalties one of the most famous players in England? Of course, to collect all the statistics on its features, manner of striking and favorite techniques. Yes, analyzing, preparing and collecting data is hard, and the host of the show has to spend an extra couple of hours or even days (horror-horror) to collect data. Imagine, it's like that to order a new site from a businessman would be required to provide your business plan, or fill out the brief on 2 sheets - a monstrous effort and time, is not it? But it turns out (shock and maximum repost) - there is a benefit from preliminary analysis and plan development. Who would have thought.

K. Prutkov "Looking at the world - do not cease to be surprised"


So, if the desire to win and the thirst for excellence in you are a little higher than the average man in the street, you have to pay the whole steep designer (of those available on freelancing today) before prepaying - spend an extra day preparing, analyzing, planning and thinking. All you need to succeed in any business is to remove the bandage from your own eyes, remove the earplugs from your ears and look around, listen and assess the situation, and only then choose the direction for your future victorious attack. Sample solutions, pattern phrases, copying someone else's success - the path to nowhere, here no Amateur will ever surpass a person with experience.

For example, when creating a website for young girls and attracting audience to it, use the experience of successful pick-up artists, instead of buying a million logo - remember how you acted in real life when meeting a popular girl, at whose feet hundreds of fans swarm. You are surprised! While everyone calls her to the pub or to the sauna - you invite a girl to the butterfly park. While everyone gives necklaces and iPhones - you hand a kitten or a koala. All dragged to the cinema - and you drag into the mountains. This is not illegal, it's just your non-template thinking - based on the analysis of all available data and careful, invisible to the world, preparation.

This is what the essential ingredient of success for any business, design, life looks like.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254705/

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