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RubyIZUMI - broadcast live H264 to flash players

RubyIZUMI - RTMP Server (MP4 / H.264) for Flash Player, written in Ruby
Allows you to stream both live video and .mp4 files

For broadcasting on demand are suitable .mp4 files, inside of which H.264 and AAC

To broadcast live video (for now only video) You need to run an encoder (for example, VLC)
for example: vlc -vvv dshow:// :dshow-vdev="QuickCam for Notebooks Pro" :dshow-size="640x480" --sout "#transcode{venc=x264,vcodec=x264,vb=500,scale=1}:rtp{dst=serverIP,sdp=file://C:/vlc.sdp}"

On the server, download and run:
$ ruby server.rb -rtp vlc.sdp

To see:
$ cd player
$ rascut Player.as -s

Read more about rascut (Ruby ActionSCript UTility)
Check the flash player

You can watch on versions (9,0,115,0 and 9,0,124,0) with H.264 support
The server is still damp, but RED5 is much simpler.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25470/

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