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7 amazing facts about vocational guidance

When my slavapankratov colleague and I launched our annual training program , from the very beginning we wanted to make the training plan individual for each student. For which they called for help the second slavapankratov platform on practical psychology, selected two most detailed tests (one for 580 questions) and began to ask listeners not only to pass tests, but also to write an essay about their history, goals and plans.

After a couple of months, we launched professional orientation as a separate service , finally dug in the questionnaires and essays of our students.

Over 3 months, we were able to analyze more than 500 questionnaires, which not only made us feel like a professional ornithologist orientologist, but also provided food for interesting observations.
This is not a professional study, but we must understand that behind each questionnaire there is a career and the fate of a particular person. Damn it, it sounds pathetic, but it is. Curiously, the questionnaires were sent to us by people from very different companies (and not even the IT industry), of very different ages (from 24 to 51 years), from 6 countries, which probably means the universality of the problems we noticed.

So that managed to notice.

FACT â„–1. 50% of respondents are in non-resource status

The very boring test for 580 questions is the MMPI test in one of its software implementations. The test is good because it is calibrated on tens of thousands of respondents, and there are so many, because they contain several scales of re-checking the sincerity and validity of the answers.

But as a matter of fact, the test shows inclinations in professional activity. Relatively speaking, in which direction it will work out better. So, more than half of our respondents test shows that they have no inclination to anything! Typical picture:

Administration Guide -7.00 b
Production 0.00 b
Office work -6.50 b
Service -12.50 b
Pedagogy -8.50 b
Expeditions -5.50 b
Science -4.00 b
Art -1.50 b
Sport -4.00 b
Military service -6.50 b
Programming -2.50 b

Category names mean not exactly what is written (usually some decoding is required).

For example, an expedition is not a tendency to hike, but a kind of logistics. That is, the direction where it is necessary to see the process as a single picture, to keep all the details in memory, to join them, to share responsibilities, to check intermediate results. In short, such a specialist pulls up the entire workflow as from puzzles, forcing him to work on the result.

But military service is not a desire to repay a debt to the Motherland, but a tendency to work in a fairly formal environment with well-established processes.

But that's not the point. The bottom line is that in all categories, instead of the normal +5, +7, hard minuses are visible. To the question “What do you have a tendency for?” The body responds: “Get off of me, I don't want anything!”

Sometimes this is accompanied by a single powerful plus in the “Production” category, which can be interpreted as: “Can I go and work instead for this long test, and there I will finally die?”

50%! 50% of people who came to the training, many of whom themselves paid money for this training, are in a rolled-up state. From all this you can make some pretty sad conclusions:

FACT-CONCLUSION â„–2. People are looking for a way to learn when they first need to relax.

It is clear that we have our professional deformation. We are engaged in training, people come to us to study. I am sure that the owner of the glass, if he had conducted a survey of his clients, would have shared even more shocking results: 100% of the respondents (well, except for the guy with the expensive watch in the corner) are in a non-resource state!

But in our particular case it means what? The drawbacks in the MMPI questionnaire are either accumulated fatigue, or a (recently suffered) state of stress, or a general strong dissatisfaction with the current situation.

People want to change something, because they feel that they are going somewhere wrong. And trying to find a way out in training. When you first need to take a vacation (at least for a couple of weeks), disconnect from the Internet, TV, news, mail and phone. To be alone with yourself (with your family, too, will go), read good art books and clear your head from slag that has hammered it.

FACT-CONCLUSION â„–3. Right now, someone on your team is in a non-resource condition - that's why you need 1: 1 meetings.

What is the state of the people in your team right now? For 14 years of work in IT and the next 7 years of training for IT companies, it was not noticed that the situation in IT projects is very relaxing and looks like an all-inclusive vacation in Cyprus. Usually it is: faster, faster, aaaa deadline and “can you also include these 5 features until the evening in the release?”

At the same time, intelligent specialists, on whom everything rests, go on vacations less often than all, as see the clause “everything rests on them”. What does this mean? This means that people can tear off the cover at any time. The question is - do you track their status?

A real-life story told by slavapankratov . 10 years ago. Kiev team for the development of sophisticated lexical analyzer. In the team, architect Volodya is a man of outstanding genius, talking on the air with concepts that no one has heard about. But in fact, it is defining both the architecture and the interfaces of the interaction of the components between themselves, etc., and so on.

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that Volodya never fails. And it always gives out the created architectures in time, after which the team of hungry coders leaps on the skeleton in order to build on it program meat.

And now the next stage of the project, everyone is waiting for Volodya new architecture. At the morning planning meeting, where Volodya should tell about her, he says that he could not do so far. The manager raises his eyes, they say, and when? Volodya says: tomorrow. The team still smokes bamboo.

There is no architecture again for tomorrow. The manager starts to get wild. Volodya turns red and begins to squeeze his UML diagrams with double force.

On the third day, there is still no architecture. The manager loses his temper and, with the whole team, makes Volodya stuck - they say, what the fuck is that such an experienced architect - blah blah blah. Volodya silently accepts punishment, returns to the computer.

On the fourth day - Volodya is not at work. By lunchtime comes smska: “Guys, I'm sorry, I let you down. I'm going home to Cherkasy. ”

The manager is horrified: Volodya, what are the Cherkasy ?! Here the project will now die without a leading architect. But Volodya stands his ground.

A customer arrives from the States, learns about the existence of minibuses, sits down in a minibus, goes to Cherkasy: Volodya, okay, well, I got excited, it happens.

Volodya still did not return: "I feel awkward in front of the boys for such behavior."

What turned out. Volodya at that moment moved the family with a small child to Kiev. And the landlady that week began to drive them out of the apartment, because the neighbors complain that the child is screaming and in every way prevents them from living. The apartment was not, the wife on the nerves, the architecture does not go. It all came together.

Then, when Volodya was collecting a box with things, some vitamins for the brain were found in the bedside tables. The man tried to cope with the situation as best he could, but failed ...

Why are we at all our seminars, conferences and trainings taldychim about regular meetings 1: 1 ? Yes that's why!

If a person is not in a resource state, it is useless to put pressure on him, develop it, cite as an example the outstanding leaders of the industry. He is not up to it now. Give it a rest.

In our company, we learned to drive each other on vacation - it helps.

But back to the facts that were found in the questionnaires.

FACT â„–4. Global goal is not related to tactical moves.

In addition to the MMPI test, we also offered people to take a psychotype test ( DISC ) and write an essay on the topic:

What was noticed. Most of our audience has a high dominant C (Compliance) by DISC. This is understandable, this is expected. With responsible for the analytical mind. We are in IT, right? Everything is good.

In this case, in a number of cases, the essay lacks a link between the training plan, the solution of problem situations and the global goal.

A person writes: my global goal is to have my own company, which brings me millions of profits and joy to people. Let's say. Let's see what is there in the tactical steps: set up a system of continuous integration and introduce processes to work with the testing team. Wait a minute And where are the steps to establish your own company?

Or a person writes: I want a house in Italy with access to the sea and my own yacht. Excellent goal, I also began to think straight about it ... And what should lead to this goal? Getting a Scrum Master Certificate? Conversation with the head about salary increase by 20%?

There is a feeling that the gap between the global goal and the tactical steps is just a property of the psycho type. We are very good at focusing on details, on specifics, but a) we are not quite able to dream 5 years ahead b) when we try to do this, the specific result still pulls back.

FACT â„–5. The goal is not under the control of the client.

Having asked about problem situations, one cannot expect that they will tell you about inspiration, insights and other roses. So here we had to drink the cup to the bottom. In what the majority of problem situations fit in, we will tell in the following fact. But it was surprising to see a large number of requests on the topic: “How can I change the behavior of a customer, colleagues, boss, etc.” In psychology, this is usually called: the goal is not under the control of the client.

Let's call a spade a spade: we can't change other people. Cannot change customer. There is a common phrase: “You are the main reason why you know me like this”. So here. To change customer behavior, you need to change your own. And this is the goal under the control of the client.

You say: Sasha, these are obvious things. No, friends, these are not obvious things. When we launched the first annual online program in 2010, 120 people came to us. How many of them do you think have reached the end? 20% - and this is a very good result, as we later learned from colleagues.

Many people, coming to learn, are surprised to find that they will have to not only absorb new knowledge, but also do something about it. And as Goethe once said there: “Many people would like to be someone, but only a few are ready to become someone.”

FACT â„–6. Social issues are common

As part of the annual program, we recommend the order of training from our 4 basic courses:

After the third hundred participants distribution was fixed in the following figures:

The formula for working with people is about what, you ask? Yes, in general, about what we have been doing for the last 7 years:

Once we found the strength to assemble this into a short, concise, capacious video course. And so this Formula turned out - our best course according to the participants. But stop bragging. What does the fact that this course becomes first in half of the students tells us?

In his time, Tom DeMarco said that most of the problems of the projects are of a social rather than technological nature. It seems that since then nothing has changed much. Or is it again our professional deformation.

FACT â„–7. No learning is present in 90% of the essay

Another interesting observation was that people practically do not write about their own learning. Tell your story - I'm so old, I worked here, then I went there, then I came here, and here I would like to solve some problematic situations ... This is what we usually see in an essay.

Friends, where is the training? Where are the books read, the courses taken, the mentors that influenced your professional development?

After reading the first hundred essays, I began to develop a complex. Am I the only one whose life has been radically changed several times by books, seminars and other people? After a dozen well-defined books, I completely rethought my approach to management. After a few books and seminars. opened his business. After two specific video courses, the business has stabbed with a new force.

Then, thank God, the words about Kursur, about books, and about bosses began to come across, and for every liter of blood drunk you should put on a liter of brandy. It is clear that if people do not write that they are doing something, this does not necessarily mean that they do not.

But the general impression that I had after reading hundreds of essays is that the professional way looks like this. You go, you go, you go - everything is fine. Then bam wall. You try to pass, does not give. Tyts, tyts, tyts in her head. So it goes on for three years. You notice that you are standing still. ABOUT! Do not go to me to learn? But there is no strength ... (see fact number 1).


Let's summarize some. Once again, I repeat, this is not professional research - these are our notes (often emotional) and the sensations of working with a large group of people who came to us with their problems, and I hope they will leave without them. But if we talk about practical conclusions, questions and recommendations from this article, then I would formulate them as follows:

1. You need to rest regularly. At least two weeks in a row with the devices turned off and away from external information-noise background.

2. If you manage someone, meet regularly with your people. Clarify their condition, listen and do something about it.

3. Feel free to dream big, but returning to reality, enter at least a small step in your daily plan that will bring you closer to a big goal.

4. Do not be angry at unjust bosses, customers and someone else. If you can do something about this, do it. You can always do something, for example, leave.

5. Learn beforehand, without waiting for several years to pass in one place. Especially, learn how to work with people. It is useful everywhere: at work and in the family, in hiring and in your own business.

The fact that you read this article and generally read Habr is already pretty damn cool. But the world is not limited to Habrom, right?

If you decide to understand yourself or your problems, we will be happy to help:

In any case - success!

PS Yes, yes, the world is not limited to Habrom, you will say, because this article is generally more suitable for Megamind. This is 100% true, and the reason for its appearance here is exactly that our corporate blog has taken root in Habré for a year and a half. And as with him and with the fans who have joined him (for which they have a special thank you!) To move - we have not yet understood.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254693/

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