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Easter assembly Vivaldi



Today, many companies are engaged in inventing April Fools pranks, but we are not joking - we decided to spend this time usefully and engaged in improving our browser.
Earlier, we promised that we will present you a new version of Technical Preview 3, but were forced to postpone it for a week to complete the entire cycle of internal testing. Instead, we decided to release another test assembly Vivaldi - today with an interesting number

image In this assembly, we were engaged in improving the function of displaying grouped tabs following your wishes. A new Tile Tab Stack item has appeared in the context menu of the tab group (this menu item has not yet been translated into Russian), which allows you to display the group pages in one window. Approximately as shown in the top screenshot. By default, all pages are placed vertically next to each other, but you can change the display method using a special button located on the status bar next to the image display control button (see the figure to the right).

We also continue to work on one of the most popular features - mouse gestures. In this assembly, we added a new gesture that allows you to open links in a new tab - just hover the mouse over the link, right-click and move the mouse down. We will continue to work on mouse gestures - there is a wide scope for creativity here.

image Another topic is often raised by our users on the forum - improving the visualization of downloading content in the background tabs. Today we can show how this work is progressing. First, we replaced the page loading progress indicator: now it is more unified with its “big brother” - the loading indicator of the active page in the address bar, and is displayed as a strip in the lower part of the tab root. And secondly, the tab, which is fully loaded, will be “cut off” a corner - so you will see which of the tabs opened in the background is ready for viewing. Perhaps this is not the ideal solution and you have better ideas - we will be glad to hear from you and, perhaps, your idea will be implemented in future versions.

That's all for today. Download the new assembly can be on the links below:

Detailed list of changes:

That's all for today. We remind you that the weekly assemblies are test, so do not forget to backup important data. You can report any errors found at the same address .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254687/

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