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CodeIgniter 1.6.2

CodeIgniter is a toolkit for those building PHP web applications. Its goal is to allow you to develop applications faster than if you were writing code from scratch, providing a rich set of libraries for commonly used tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. CodeIgniter allows you to creatively focus on your projects, using the minimum amount of code needed for a particular task.

The documentation can be found on the website of the Russian-speaking community .

Release 1.6.2 took place.
Of the changes can be noted:
- Improvements in Active Record.
- Helper, allowing you to use various features that were previously available only for PHP5.
- Improvements in unit testing, form, url, directory and download helpers.
- Increase the speed of work.
- Security improvements.
- Bugfixes.
- A bunch of documentation changes + 2 new pages: Reserved names and Common functions.

Detailed list of changes

ps really need a translator to work on code-igniter.ru and other projects.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25467/

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