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Mobile divorce, new scheme.

Yesterday my wife rang a mobile phone. The number is not defined.

Beeline technical support : good evening, you are concerned about the Beeline technical support service, in all cases of an accident, your phone will be disconnected, to avoid this you need to enter a special code.

Wife: And from where do I know that you really are from the support service?
TP: we call all the subscribers, and you have no reason to doubt it.

W: well, then you can probably tell who this phone number is registered to.

TP: this information is secret and I can't speak it. Dial the number I dictate.
The number was dictated, but his wife did not dial it, but dropped the phone call.
A second later, the unknown number rang again.

TP: this is technical support.

W: I have something dropped here. I still do not want to dial the number.
TP: Well then you have to come to our office on the street on March 8. I want to warn you that if you turn off, the company is not responsible because I warned you and our conversation is recorded, you definitely do not want to dial the number?

W: no! I will come to your office on the street on March 8.

I want to say, of course, the divorce is left, but still my wife almost dialed this number, as it turned out, it was a mobile transfer.
And the office of biline on the street. March 8 is already under repair.
Be carefull.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25465/

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