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IT management and support - Fujitsu's job offer

The modern world is developing at lightning speed. This is a world where everything is tied into a network and everything communicates. More connections - more interactions - more opportunities. This means a blurring of boundaries and inevitably leads to a change in the rules of business organization, and indeed our personal life has a certain impact.

The issues of continuous availability and data security - BYOD issues are becoming very topical. Control and maintenance of not only the existing and, possibly, aging equipment, but also the users' personal devices. Thus, IT is given the task of transforming workplaces, including with the involvement of partners in the implementation and integration of new technologies and systems. But such a partner must be reliable and have extensive experience in the market. The attitude to the equipment is changing: no one wants to spend large sums on the maintenance of a team of engineers and repair specialists, and full and prompt support from the vendor and its partners is needed. Today we will talk about how to manage the IT services provided to end users and what Fujitsu has to offer in terms of supporting employee equipment.

On average, today there are two mobile devices per person. In addition, each user actively applies the capabilities of cloud services in his work and personal life. If in their private lives, people have already adapted to a flexible mobile environment, then in the workplace, they want to get the same and the most advanced. Therefore, IT faces the challenge of balancing user satisfaction and fulfilling business needs.

Workplace management

Fujitsu today is ready to offer a range of services for managing the productivity of jobs. What do these services allow? They enable the user to work, including from his personal devices, wherever they are, while having access to data, applications and communication tools with centralized management and secure access.

The key elements of such a service are virtual desktops, traditional desktops, mobile device management services and user interaction services.

Fujitsu can be a major provider of diverse workplace management services with the ability to expand and scale. For example, a similar mobile device management service provided for Asia Pacific Airline. Crew members had the opportunity during the flight to use the necessary documentation in electronic form using tablets iPad. A total of 7500 devices were involved in the project. All of them are maintained and managed by Fujitsu. For this project, a complex of integration work was carried out, including the construction of a secure VPN channel and a wireless WLAN network. Through the use of documents in electronic form, for one flight, the airline saves up to 20 kilograms of paper.

In Russia, in one of the representative offices of the western company, a project was implemented to support jobs and organize ServiceDesk. It supports 3,000 jobs in 3 countries and 10 cities. Basically, we are talking about the administration of client equipment and some part of the server infrastructure. The project also includes warehouse management and reporting. ServiceDesk management services mean that 25,000 users in the EMEA region are supported for this client only. In general, under the control of Fujitsu, there are currently 5 million devices worldwide. Due to the transformation of jobs, on average, achieved 30% savings in IT costs in the company.

There is no single approach to the implementation of such services. First of all, the customer is required to determine a strategy for the development of workplaces. Based on these data, recommendations are provided on the possibilities of savings, as well as scenarios for the transition to a new service model. To ensure business mobility, there is a modular offer that contains all the necessary components for modifying workplaces, data security issues and access to them, servicing end-user devices, managing teamwork systems, ensuring quality control of service for ServiceDesk. In order to optimize the work of employees, it is possible to transfer the applications they use to cloud environments, making them accessible from mobile devices, as well as provide protection against threats and access control.

What benefits will it bring to the business? If mergers and acquisitions take place, the workplace support service will allow you to quickly increase the scope of services, speed up the integration of heterogeneous systems, and in case of infrastructure failures, the Fujitsu service will help employees to continue working out of the office - at home, in a cafe or anywhere else. It also provides an opportunity to optimize client services. Instead of a constant cycle of hardware and software updates using virtualized client services, you can access the latest solutions and technologies without additional capital investments. In fact, this is a transition to the operating costs model only for the resources and technologies that were used (pay-per-user). The customer receives a complete picture of how much the service he uses costs, and this makes it easier to predict and more optimally distribute costs.

Additional equipment support

I would also like to dwell on the packages of services that Fujitsu offers in addition to its hardware and software. We are talking about those services that can be ordered along with one or another equipment configuration, the so-called Support Pack, which allow to improve the conditions of the standard warranty give the opportunity to invite certified specialists to install the equipment, as well as open access for the customer to extended technical support. We have already written about this in our blog before; now we’ll just briefly update the main points.

Additional service packages can be divided into several categories: Basic Installation, Hardware Support and Warranty Expansion, Proactive Support, Software Maintenance, Integration Packages, and Nonreturnable Hard Drives. Let's tell about them in more detail.

Any Fujitsu products are shipped under a standard warranty, under which customers have the opportunity to contact ServiceDesk around the clock. More information about the terms of the standard warranty can be found here . In the case of PRIMERGY and ETERNUS storage systems, the standard warranty provides for the departure, if necessary, of an engineer to the customer within two working days. However, with the help of the “Equipment support and warranty extension” package, its conditions can be significantly extended. For example - instead of 9/5 service mode, get 24/7 mode. Also, the warranty can be extended in terms of response time - up to 4 hours, as well as the recovery time of equipment - within 24 hours. From the new - packages appeared with proactive monitoring and periodic analysis of the state of the IT infrastructure. These packages may contain such useful options as continuous monitoring of systems and automatic opening of requests for malfunctions, periodic infrastructure surveys using a special system utility and preparation of a report (1, 2 or 4 times a year) on the state of the system.

In addition to services in the field of technical support, the customer can purchase additional services in the field of installation of equipment . There are two sets of such services - “Minimal” (Basic) and “Standard” (Advanced). The “minimum” set includes unpacking, rack mounting, wiring, initial setup, and equipment performance testing. After this list of services, the equipment is fully prepared to install an operating system on it and integrate it into the existing infrastructure. The “Standard” set, in addition, includes services for basic software configuration (OS installation and software for remote control, initial OS configuration, and installation of a minimum set of agreed system parameters). In the future, you can begin to install applications. Finally, for the most demanding customers, there is a set of services “Advanced” (Individual). It provides for installation in accordance with the customer specifications. Integration service packages that can be purchased in addition to storage include checking licenses and firmware purchased, configuring management IP addresses according to customer requirements, etc. The list also includes training and consulting customer specialists.

Software support services include diagnostics in case of problems. Based on the results of this diagnostic, a solution is provided or, if necessary, an update. Over and above the support of a software developer, Fujitsu provides customers who have purchased its software with extended packages. The “Basic” (Basic) package includes patches and software patches available on request if they are available from the developer, remote support with a response time of up to 4 hours, and maintenance in 9/5 or 24/7 mode. The “Standard” (Classic) package includes not only patches and fixes, but also remote support with a response time of up to 4 hours and up to 2 hours, as well as maintenance in 9/5 or 24/7 mode.

What is a support pack? This is a document containing an activation code designed to extend the warranty, which can be purchased separately (after purchasing the equipment) from the ordered configuration. This document may be provided to the customer not only in paper but also in electronic form. The activation code must be used no later than 120 days after the shipment of the equipment or within 30 days after purchasing the Support Pack. The terms of the extended warranty are valid only after the activation of this code. Additional terms for purchasing and using Support Packs can be found here , here and here .

Service packages for extending the warranty and installation of equipment are fully operational in Moscow and those cities of Russia where Fujitsu service centers are located. There are 230 of them all over the territory of Russia and the CIS. Service packages with a “high” SLA, providing for rapid replacement of spare parts, operate in 26 cities of Russia, as well as in Almaty (Kazakhstan). If the customer is located outside these cities, he may contact the Fujitsu representative office with a request to open such a center in his region, or to discuss special conditions of service.

In conclusion, we note that all service packages can be purchased from Fujitsu distributors who collect and place orders at Fujitsu, and upon receipt send the packages directly to the customer.

Earlier on this topic:

» Fujitsu Extended Product Support Services

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254647/

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