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We invite you to the third meeting of IT specialists Hack Weekend

We invite everyone to the third meeting of IT specialists Hack Weekend, which will be held in Kaluga from 4 to 5 April. Representatives of various professions - developers, designers, designers, etc. gather here. During the day they will share their experience and immediately apply their knowledge. The most persistent will be able to engage in development without a break in sleep, all 24 hours. And with the participants who create their products, mentors will work.

In addition to the practical unit, the hackathon can also be attended by lectures from experts. Alexander spiteful Panfilov, lead programmer of the Mail.Ru Group, will talk about the OAuth2 authorization protocol, its creation, the reasons for its popularity and how to use it. There will also be materials from companies such as FRIA, Yandex, Astral.

In the final part of the hackathon, there will be a Startup session in front of the Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF), Microsoft, Cloud Computing Center (ITC), Astral IT Center, investors and accelerators. The best projects presented have a chance to find investors, and gifts will be presented.
Hackathon organizers: Cloud Computing Center, IT Center Kaluga Astral, NeuronWeb. The general sponsor and partner is the ICT Cluster of the Kaluga Region.

Participation in Hack Weekend # 3 is free. Registration for the event .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254641/

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