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Microsoft launched a new mobile OS - MS-DOS Mobile

Truly the story moves in a spiral. A new player has appeared on the mobile OS market. Today, Microsoft has announced a new mobile operating system for smartphones Lumia - MS-DOS Mobile.

There are several preinstalled programs in MS-DOS Mobile, and the design is simple and concise. Promo video of the new OS and link to install under the cut

Daniel Glass, project designer:

“Avoiding graphics gave us incredible freedom of action. We reduced the resolution, and, having done that, we went back to our roots and looked at them from a new angle. ”

"Courier New blend with noir was the inspiration for the OS designer."

Tom Messett from the marketing team at Microsoft Lumia:

"MS-DOS Mobile allows us to look back with pride, while at the same time definitely moving us forward."

"It (OS) is simple, efficiently productive and revised through the prism of DOS."

Project page on the official Microsoft website.
Link to install in the app store (Free)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254607/

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