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The comrades who are aching about old Habr

Dear habrareyudi! Over the past 10 days, I read a huge number of articles, comments and notes, how bad our favorite Habr has now become, how much unnecessary information has become in it.

I suggest all such habraudes - write a post, as if still an old Habr. Great, cool, unique content, useful to others.
And do not put the thirtieth commentary on the topic, which is interesting to hundreds of people (the same posts about new devices), they say that for the garbage here the author publishes and for whom.

By the way, there are people who, even in new combat conditions, manage to create in that old style. Everyone knows such people. And, it should be noted, they are doing great now, and I’m happy to get acquainted with their work every time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25458/

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