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Comparison of online consultants for the site: flour choice

Immediately warn that the article is not of an advertising nature. It was written solely for the purpose of sharing its experience in the selection of a quality tool for online consulting, since they themselves, while they were searching, could not find anywhere suitable material with detailed analysis.

When we decided to start an online chat on our websites , we were not very clear about what functionality it should have. The only thing that we immediately clearly understood: it will not be chat, where any casual visitor can write “hey, is anyone alive?”. And not the one where the girl consultant, who does not really understand the technical features of our product, will respond to visitors' messages.

We definitely decided that all employees of the sales and technical support department would become operators of an online consultant. After several meetings and brainstorming with the heads of the marketing, support and sales departments, we identified a number of important parameters for us, which the online consulting service should meet. Namely:

These were our basic ideas of how an ideal service for online consultation of our clients should look. According to these parameters, we analyzed more than 20 services, of which only 8 came to the semi-finals (some disappeared immediately after a visual acquaintance with the system).
The following services have entered the final eight: Jivosite, p3chat, Livetex, Webim, Webconsultant, Krible, Zopim and Olark.

Each of them we estimated by 20 parameters:
p3chatLivetexWebimWeb consultKribleZopimOlark
Connect multiple sites+
Customer information+
Service Evaluation+
Dialogue Translation+
Chat log by consultant+
Chat dialogue on the visitor's mail-
Client lock+
Application on Windows / LinuxWindows only
-++-Windows only-Windows only
Web version available+--+++++
Jabber customer supportlimited
Ask for contacts before the dialogue+
Request contacts during the dialogue+
Ability to send a message when a user is offline+
Design customization+
Break time+
Chat on page
(a separate window does not open)
Prioritization of operators-
Create tickets-
Approximate cost per operator per month (in Russian rubles at the time of the table)800

As a result, the three of the services that we most liked got to the finals. We checked all 3 in practice during the validity period of the demo versions (all services of this kind, without exception, offer to test their system for 14 days for free), so we will tell about them in more detail.

P3chat: reliable, functional, not very beautiful

We started from this chat, because we decided that it is most convenient to link the online consultant to the jabber clients of our employees. And for p3chat, this function is best implemented, since it supports a number of commands that allow you to translate dialogs, send a visitor to a blacklist, etc.



Jivosite: trendy, beautiful, not very serious

After p3chat we decided to try something beautiful and convenient for both users and our operators. The service offers several options for working with chat: via the web version, through an application installed on a computer, or through a jabber client (but without the support of useful commands).



Zopim: nice, smart, fully customizable

We stumbled upon this chat with a funny name by chance, when we were completely desperate to find some really good tool. We have already abandoned the idea of ​​supporting jabber clients and having an application to be installed.

We presented the main requirements to the functionality (the requirements for which were formulated both by our operators and the interviewed clients) and by appearance, so we didn’t even get upset when we found a suitable service that works only in the web version.

At Zopim, we have already ended a free period, and we extended the use of the service for another month. As it turned out, 2 weeks are very few in order to evaluate all the possibilities, advantages and disadvantages of the system.

It is possible that over time we will find even more shortcomings and this service (we also have an appetite growing during the meal). But so far this is the best, in our opinion, service from those we have considered.

And now more specifically about the pros and cons (for us insignificant) of the system chosen by us as a result.



If the article does not mention any chat options that are important for you, ask in the comments - we will try to answer, since we have thoroughly studied the systems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254529/

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