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Interesting and utility will no longer be

I think that many of you at least once met in Habr's tape one of my collections of “Interesting and usefulness for a web developer”. The first issue on August 15, 2013 appeared against the backdrop of a banal idea to share valuable tools that I already use or have saved in bookmarks for the future. Initially, it was not even supposed that my public collecting would become serial, but since then I have published 41 digests.

Of course, over time, responsibilities to the audience appeared, the timing of the publication and the writing itself began to require more time. Significantly increased list for the monitoring of interesting and useful. Now there are several thematic sabretites, GitHub Trending, HackerNews, ProductHunt and dozens of accounts on Twitter, Smashing Magazine, CSS Tricks, Codrops, David Walsh Blog, Alist Apart, Poul Irish, Tuts +, SitePoint, and so on. I want to express gratitude to Alexander Maslov on drakmail , who almost completely provides information for Ruby and Go headings, and also helps with others.

But now I just do not have enough time. It all started last summer, when I first got the idea to start translating existing collections to a western audience. After all, there are significantly more English-speaking users on the Internet, about 565 million, against ~ 60 million Russian speakers, and this is only the data for 2011 . In addition, the practical value of my digests was “tested” here by the best web developers of the post-Soviet space and, possibly, among the best in the world, which already indicated the feasibility of my venture as a whole. I was confused only by my English. I could not literally understand the meaning of almost any technical article, but there was no practice in communication and writing as such. The final decision on what to try was made after I saw the transfer of my 22nd edition to Reddit: Something that you might be interested in .

Do not pay, and earn English tuition.


In mid-July, I registered the ipestov.com domain, downloaded the new-fashioned Ghost to my DigitalOcean, and after 5 minutes I had a personal blog. After that, I started filling it up and wrote about once a week. Initially, it took me about two hours to translate one collection from Russian to English. One hour is enough for me now. After a few months, I decided to design my creation in a normal way, and for a little bit over the course of a week, by CSS experimenting I achieved quite a nice design.

Promotion costs

They are not. But if to be extremely even, then I spent 500 rubles on advertising in Facebook, the same for the post in one thematic public on Vkontakte and the same Reddit. But it is rather within my curiosity. The beauty of the English-language resource is that if the content is valuable, then the audience can be easily increased with the help of many different social services. Demonstration of the good virality of one of my posts in “Bumping Up”:

And this is just one example. Translating my selection of the best plug-ins for Sublime, one of the credits extended to 15,000 people in the first 24 hours, and this gave another stream to 10,000 Chinese from their national Weibo twitter. And since then I’ve been at 2-3 positions on Google for those who are looking for additions to this wonderful editor.

Selection of resources for sowing information
In parentheses, I indicate the possible number of transitions specifically in my experience.

Monetization and result

In addition to the development of the social element, I would also like to note that advertising networks are at a completely different level. The CPU recently had a post with the theme "I have 3 million hits per month, but how do I make money." While I set myself one small banner from Carbon and I get at least $ 1 and a maximum of $ 1.5, depending on the number of clicks per 1000 views. I emphasize that $ 1 is a guaranteed minimum. And in March I have more than 100,000 unique and almost 200,000 views.

As a result, I had my first passive income, received with minimal effort. In addition to earning a blog brings me new friends and connections. Plus, my English is constantly progressing.


Habr is a storehouse of the most valuable thoughts and minds. There are authors who write things no less useful and interesting than IT stars over the hill. There are no such resources anywhere else, and I think it is unlikely that this experience can be repeated in principle, because everything originated from the most experienced Soviet geeks. But as paradoxical as it may sound, we hide ourselves from everyone else.

I just wanted to share the occasion when, without perfect English and a deep understanding of marketing, we can be heard in the west, getting threefold benefits from it. And articles containing certain experience and objective observations are valued everywhere higher than any other footnotes, digests, collections like mine. You can be better at times! By the way, a little humor. Perhaps I still have a very bad domain. I have been Pestov for 21 years, but only recently I found out that in Russian there is the word “nurture” , but the fact that in English “pest” means the exact opposite and translated as “pest” it turned out only yesterday. One can only hope that this does not cause negative associations with foreigners on the first visit.

Happy April, 1!

Of course, the first part before kata is a joke. Selections will not be lost until it makes sense for the community.

Thanks more for your attention! All good and success in the international expansion of their thoughts!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254521/

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