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Right there! (remake)

Richard (Lionheart) Stolman
Right there!
(inspired by the post about Internet refrigerators).

The path of Vasily Ivassin to world domination began on one very hot day at his house when Lenin's Lizanka asked to use his refrigerator. Her family was very poor and she didn’t have a refrigerator and would starve to death if her products had deteriorated from the heat. The only one from whom she decided to ask for help was Vasily.

There was a dilemma in front of him. He was eager to help Liza - but if he opened her refrigerator to her, she could eat his food. Besides the fact that it was possible to go to prison for many years, the idea itself was shocked. From the first class in schools they were inspired to share food - a terrible crime, comparable to the use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States.

Chances to escape the watchful eye of the FPA - Food Protection Authority (food protection service) - almost was not. At primary school classes, Vasiliy was told that each refrigerator has a system for monitoring food rights, which reports to the Consumption Center who, when and where it ate food. (The center used the information not only to combat the "division of food", but also to sell to the supermarkets network reports of the personal preferences of consumers).

As soon as Basil's refrigerator once again connects to the Internet to buy food, the Center finds out who has eaten from this refrigerator. Basil, as the owner of the refrigerator, would be subjected to the most severe punishment - for not preventing a crime.

Of course, Lisa is not necessarily going to eat his food. She needed the refrigerator only to put her food there. But Vasily knew that her family belongs to the poor class and hardly pays for tuition, so there is not enough food for anything. Eating someone else's food for her could be the only means of survival. The situation was familiar: he himself got into debt, paying for food when it was necessary just to survive. (10% of these funds were received by slaughterhouses; since Vasily was going to become a farmer, he hoped that his cows would be sufficiently well-fed, and at the expense of the cows he would be able to return the debt).

Later, Vasily learns that in former times (before the food crisis, during which countries like China began to eat 10 times more than honest US citizens), you could just come to visit and free (!) happy to Some people, especially students, lived only for those that went to the guests, without needing a “starvation ration” from the state. But in the 2000s, there was so little food that each person received ration cards that limited the amount of food that could be eaten. And by 2047, the free distribution of food remained only in the memories.

Of course, there were ways to circumvent the controls of the FPA and the Consumption Center. But they were also illegal. Together with Vasily, Crack [1] studied at the agronomical college, who took out the illegal drug and with his help thought that he had bypassed the monitoring code when he was eating someone else's food. But he was thinking too much about himself, and someone noticed that he was drooling near the refrigerator, unsuccessfully trying to open the lock with the fingerprint recorder. By 2047, Crack was in prison — not for “stealing food,” but for drug possession.

Later, Vasily learns that in former times some drugs in some countries were available to everyone. But the state of “swine” began to appear among some drug users, accompanied by a strong feeling of hunger, and in the conditions of the food crisis, drug addicts began to unite the people of the United States; the court ultimately ruled to outlaw all drugs.

Of course, medicine could not do without some drugs; but in 2047, their manufacturers produced only numbered doses, which were provided exclusively to pharmacies with an official license. The drug, which Vasily used in the classroom for veterinary medicine, was closed in an armored refrigerator, which allowed him to be used only for training purposes.

It was also possible to bypass the monitoring system by purchasing an uncertified refrigerator. Basil would sooner or later find out about Open refrigerators, even entire Open food warehouses that existed at the turn of the century. But not only were they prohibited by law, like drugs; even getting such a refrigerator, it could not be brought into the apartment, because the doorways were designed only for certified refrigerators. The FBI and the Microsoft-food service department kept the doorway dimensions of the apartments in secret.

Vasily realized that he could not just let Lisa open her refrigerator. But he was also unable to refuse her - because he loved her. Even the ability to just talk to her filled him with joy. And the fact that she turned to him could mean that she is not indifferent to him.

Basil was able to cut the Gordian knot in a very unthinkable way. He not only allowed Lisa to use her refrigerator, but also told her her password from the refrigerator. Thus, if Lisa eats his food, they will decide at the Consumption Center that he ate it. It was also a crime, but the FPA was unable to detect it automatically. But if Lisa had knocked him ...

Of course, having learned that he gave Lisa her password, the administration of the agricultural technical laboratory would have thrown both of them at once, regardless of what she needed for it. According to official rules, any interference with the food consumption monitoring system led to a “disciplinary action.” It doesn’t even matter whether the food itself was eaten — in itself, the difficulty of controlling the food was a serious violation of the rules. It was assumed that this is necessary only for the violation of other prohibitions - no matter which ones.

However, students usually were not directly dismissed for such a violation. The punishment was a ban on the opening of any refrigerator school. After that, the student inevitably died of hunger during the session, when he had no time to get home and he remained to live in a technical school.

Later, Basil learns that such a policy was formed only in the 1990s, when refrigerators were widely used in technical schools. Prior to this approach to the discipline was different: the administration punished students for malicious, and not just “suspicious” actions.

Lisa did not pass Basil in the FPA. Thanks to his decision to help her, they eventually got married - and also doubted the rules that they had been inspired from childhood. The couple began to study the history of food consumption, learned about the restrictions on food that existed in the Soviet Union during the famine, and even read the original Constitution of the United States. They went to the moon, where they met other fugitives from the long arms of the FPA. When the Uprising began in 2062, the universal right to food soon became one of its main goals, and Vasily Ivasin gained world domination.

Author's notes

This note was updated in 2008.
The battle for the right to eat is going today. Perhaps the former freedoms will be forgotten, and it will take another half a century. But most of the laws and regulations described above have already been proposed, and many are applicable law in the United States and other countries. So today there are refrigerators being locked and even a lock with a cipher and a fingerprint verification system on the market. It is difficult to imagine what can be stored in such refrigerators! And if there are genetically modified organisms? And if food from such refrigerators could feed the hungry children of Africa?

In the 90s, the development of refrigerators with Internet access began in the USA and Japan. According to this project, each new refrigerator should be equipped with an Internet access system with all the ensuing consequences for the possible tracking of consumers by companies and states.

In 2001, the United States and Japan began an attempt to impose the same fridges on the countries of the Western Hemisphere using the Free Trade Area of ​​the Americas treaty (FTAA).


[1] I asked the author if he planned that the surname Crack (the slang term for the drug “cocaine”) refers to the use of drugs by this character. To which the author replied: “Where are the cops? Are there cops? ”

R. Stallman Right to read

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25451/

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