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Single Sign-On (SSO): OpenAM + mod_auth_mellon

The post is designed for beginners who are just getting acquainted with SSO. There is not a lot of documentation on the OpenAM and mod_auth_mellon bundles on the Internet, especially in Russian.
For a quick start, I will use Docker images. For user authentication, I’ll consider the mod_auth_mellon module, but other methods can be used, for example, Policy Agent or OpenIG .


Single Sign-On Technology (Single Sign-On) is a technology that uses a user to move from one portal section to another without re-authentication.
OpenAM (Access Management) - identity provider (IdP, identity identity provider), performs user authentication.
mod_auth_mellon is an apache module that authenticates the user via IdP (OpenAM).


Add domains to / etc / hosts for OpenAM and test applications: openam.example.com fake.mellon.app.one fake.mellon.app.two 

Run OpenAM:
 docker run -d -t -p 8080:8080 --add-host "openam.example.com:" wstrange/openam-base-nightly 

We start test applications:

 git clone git@bitbucket.org:agobzhelyan/openam_mellon.git cd openam_mellon 

 docker build -t fake_mellon_app_one fake_app_1 docker run -d -p 8091:80 --name fake_mellon_app_one fake_mellon_app_one 

 docker build -t fake_mellon_app_two fake_app_2 docker run -d -p 8092:80 --name fake_mellon_app_two fake_mellon_app_two 

Customize OpenAM. It was possible to create a docker image in order not to do it manually. But I think it would be better to go through these simple steps yourself in order to better understand how this works:

- open http://openam.example.com:8080/openam/ ;
- click Create Default Configuration;
- password for amAdmin - secret12, for UrlAccessAgent - secret123;
- go to Home (amAdmin / secret12), then Federation and add a new Circle of Trust with the name TestCOT;
- go to the Create Identity Provider page: http://openam.example.com:8080/openam/task/CreateHostedIDP . Change the Signing Key to test and wait for Configure, then Finish;
- go to the Create Remote Service Provider page: http://openam.example.com:8080/openam/task/CreateRemoteSP . We are waiting for File and download fake_app_1 / mellon / fake_mellon_app_one.xml, make sure that COT is selected TestCOT
- the same for fake_mellon_app_two.xml.

Configuring mod_auth_mellon. Here it is better to read https://github.com/UNINETT/mod_auth_mellon and see an example implementation in test applications https://bitbucket.org/agobzhelyan/openam_mellon/src .


- exit the admin panel http://openam.example.com:8080/openam/ and go to Appendix 1 - http://fake.mellon.app.one:8091/ ;
- click the link backend;
- we will be redirected to the login page. Enter demo / changeit;
- after that we return to the requested (protected) page;
- go to Appendix 2 http: //fake.mellon.app.two: 8092 / backend / and note that here we are logged in.


As you can see, everything is simple, but at the stage of exploring the new technology takes a lot of time. I hope the time to write this post is not wasted and it will be useful to someone. Those who have experience with this technology, please share them in the comments.


- www.lab-ic.ru/solutions/sso
- doc.arcgis.com/en/arcgis-online/reference/configure-openam.htm
- openam.forgerock.org/doc/getting-started/index.html
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_sign-on
- blog.kaliconseil.fr/2011/02/21/using-openam-with-apache-as-a-reverse-proxy
- mkchendil.blogspot.ch/2015/02/apache-and-openam-saml-federation.html
- blogs.splunk.com/2013/03/28/splunkweb-sso-samlv2

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254503/

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