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The digest of interesting materials from the world of Drupal # 7


The most interesting and useful from the world of Drupal over the past 3 weeks in our seventh edition.


In Russian

Let's start with the materials in runet:

  1. By tradition, there are several useful snippets from xandeadx: “ Payment for access to a node using Robokassa ”, “ Taxonomy Menu and the names of menu items from the term field ”, “ Programmatically authorize a user by uid ”.
  2. Pavel Kitaev does not release the Form API :) Read his article “ Creating New Types of HTML5 Form Elements ”.
  3. Max Koreychenko reflects on the topic of performance and shares his approach to ajaxification .
  4. “ Such a wonderful bug found, or is it a feature? "- writes the author of the blog" Make You Live Better | Sex experiences with Drupal CMF "after a night with the Context module :)
  5. @kalabro told how you can include PHP files in your module.


This section is specifically for those who have recently been with Drupal:

  1. The Form API #states article tells you how easy it is to make your forms dynamic without a single Javascipt line.
  2. Step-by-step manual how to add your own text (custom content) in Panels .
  3. Complicated checks of field values ​​can be configured directly from the admin with the Field Validation module .
  4. Moving to the side of good - abandon Views PHP: Conditional Views - Sure beats Views PHP for simple variance .
  5. When recording a review video modulo Subuser, Shane Thomas found a bug and decided to fix it himself. Details in the Module Investigator video : Fixing an issue in the Drupal Subuser module .

All for Drupal developer

Cocktail from materials for drupalers of the average level and above:

  1. Another giant compilation of modules, articles and the like appeared on Drupal.org. This time it is devoted to the creation of websites of public institutions . An archive of other compilations is available on the Resource Guides page. We highly recommend adding to your bookmarks.
  2. Many search engines raise sites that work on HTTPS and also have a mobile version . Google even prepared an official guide on responsive topics in Drupal.
  3. Not everything is solved through the Views module (and not all lists are useful for doing through it). The publication Easy Way Out Before Lost Inside Views Maze tells how you can make a selection of materials on your own to display a block with lazy loading via Ajax.
  4. A good introduction to the Headless Drupal paradigm is presented in Headless Drupal. Why & how a RESTful API in Drupal?
  5. How to port modules to fork Drupal 7 called Backdrop CMS , read the article Porting Drupal 7 Modules to Backdrop .
  6. The topic of security does not lose relevance. There is a fair amount of automated scanners for site vulnerabilities plus entire databases of exploits. The steps to conceal the fact that your site is made by Drupal will help confuse hackers. Drupal provides a detailed overview of how to achieve this goal. Additional ideas can be found in the Hiding Traits of Drupal compilation.
  7. Batch processing of big data almost always involves the use of queues. The material with the concise title of Drupal Queues shows an example of announcing and using your own queue.
  8. The Drupal mail system is an exhaustive article about the mail subsystem of Drupal.
  9. If you are wondering if there is anything similar to hook_node_access() , only for other entities, be sure to read the Custom access control for Drupal 7 entities publication.
  10. A drop of drash does not hurt our digest: Drush Registry Rebuild for treating those problems that are not solved by resetting the cache.
  11. Jeff Geerling did a great job of promoting Ansible in the Drupal community, the apogee of which was Drupal VM = Vagrant + Ansible + Drupal.
  12. There are several reviews of the Platform.sh hosting: first steps on SitePoint and a more serious article on the example of a real project .
  13. In the article Drupal Testing Methodologies Are Broken - Here's Why the author is intrigued by the quick publication of the suffered integration test framework in Drupal 7, which could be launched on a working site instead of Simpletest or PHPUnit. Also provides an overview of the main problems faced by developers when trying to fasten test automation to Drupal.
  14. Since we are talking about testing, it is worth mentioning the introductory article on Behat: BDD with Behat and Drupal .
  15. Lullabots share their experience in using the popular AngularJS Javascript framework in Drupal projects: Wrapping AngularJS modules in Drupal CTools plugins .
  16. We delve into Solr query queries in order to better understand how it all works.
  17. In search of replacement Features, series No. 2086: meet CINC and immediately an example of creating a view from the code .
  18. Google turns off the Image Charts API in April. On this occasion, an overview of graphing modules .

Drupal 8

  1. The 9th beta version of Drupal 8 has been released. The critical issue is still more than fifty dollars .
  2. If you haven’t seen the “ 30 Awesome Drupal 8 API Functions ” presentation, then this is a great chance to do so now. By the way, there is a version for the seven .
  3. Configure Vagrant for development under Drupal 8 using VDD.
  4. Creating Custom Field Formatters in Drupal 8 describes how to create new field formatters.
  5. Changes in the text filtering system in the eight, as well as the pitfalls in the form of double shielding are discussed in the material Avoiding Double-Escaped Output in Drupal 8 .
  6. In the article Dependency Injection with Traits in Drupal 8, the author shares an interesting experience of porting a single module from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8. In the course of an exciting journey, PHP Traits , as well as Dependency Injection and Module Upgrader meet.
  7. In the essay Alter or Dispatch: Drupal 8 Events versus Alter Hooks attempted to indicate the ideal way to declare your own events in Drupal 8.
  8. When you need Ctools for the eight, you know where to look for it: The Drupal 8 plugin system - part 4 .
  9. Beautiful search form for commits in Drupal 8: Drupal 8 Git Commit Explorer .

Business and community

  1. Drupal 8 Accelerate .
    The grant program for the development of Drupal 8 has already made a lot of noise. The Drupal association plans to raise at least $ 250k. At the same time , the association itself and the 7 largest Drupal companies have already made half . If you’re doing git push on an org, and you’re automatically $ 100 falling into the account ... But we seem to be distracted :)
  2. Business news: Mediacurrent, the largest player in the Drupal market, is absorbed by the Code and Theory design agency .
  3. Approved reports on the May DrupalCon Los Angeles.
  4. The community bade farewell to Aaron Vinborn, who passed away due to a serious illness. Read about it . The Association announced the Aaron Prize , part of which will be sent annually to the Vinborn family.
  5. This person is very rarely expressed. This time he made an exception: Earl Miles, aka merlinofchaos , the author of Views and Panels, about the drupal and its community . (TL; DR: everything is fine with both Erl and Drupal).
  6. Two touching stories of developers from the “I and Drupal” series: My journey in Drupal, 4 years on , 542 days as a Drupal developer . Let such stories be only more.

Interesting modules

  1. Configuration management
    An alternative Features approach to configuration management is discussed in the article Configuration Management, an alternative to Features .
  2. Features Builder
    If you are actively continuing to use the Features module in development, then pay attention to the Features Builder material , problems zero with Features!
  3. Taxonomy Entity Index
    This module is used to optimize site performance when using taxonomy massively. A short article has been written on this topic: Drupal 7, Tags, Unpublished Content, and You .
  4. Voicecommander
    Voice interfaces have been a trend for many years. With this module, you can test the Web Speech API in a drupal.
  5. Openstack queues
    Integration with the Openstack Zaqar Queue Engine (an open source alternative to Amazon SQS ).
  6. Field SQL Lean
    A rather extreme optimization approach that irreversibly changes the structure of tables for storing field values. Obviously, the set of Drupal modules, for example Views, cannot work with the standard structure, however, it is useful to know that there are such system capabilities.
  7. Views calc
    This module allows you to display the string "Results" in the table. The calculation is performed on the database side and supports operations COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX. How to use, told in OSTraining .
  8. GA Push
    Advanced API for sending any events to Google Analytics. With it, you can, for example, track form validation errors on your site.

Oleg Kot and Katya Marshalkina worked on the issue.
Do you write articles about Drupal for the benefit of the community? Let us know - drupal.digest@gmail.com .

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254501/

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