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What is a good article for Habr

Everything written down is nothing more than a personal opinion.

What is a good post?

On Habré, I consider the best articles in the style: “I could”, describing the personal professional achievements of the author of the article, showing how he solved a task that is important to many. As the saying goes, "in recipes!".

Followed by reports of significant innovations in the field of IT business and the Internet economy, which can be discussed, which provoke discussions (no holivar!).
Further general discussions such as “why is it like this?” Or “what will happen tomorrow?” Or “how to do better?”, Whether the author or the translation is important - the discussion is valuable. Immediately interview with interesting people, analyst anything. I really respect the tests performed by the author, if they are of high quality. Itself I am going to make one measurement on a subject sql, yes hands do not reach.

Then I went, sorry, trash

  1. Bad translations. Comrades, what do you translate? Is it really difficult to catch a thought and formulate it in Russian, driving it through a spell checker? The Word copes with the coordination of times, cases, and an excess of anglicisms. I minus such posts if the quality of translations is lame.
  2. Devices for geeks and other copy-paste. I have nothing against it, but nevertheless this entertainment for those who have more money than the payload. Are these people so much on Habré? I never minus, I almost never read.
  3. Brazen advertising. There is also an unsigned, but still it is worth at least disguising the mention of your services among the analytical and review material. Definitely a minus, with the exception of "I am smart" and "I am promoting".
  4. Frankly provocative posts from lovers of holivars. Definitely a minus, and even in karma.
  5. Lyrics and literature. Proverbs, fantastic stories, bust with illustrations on the topic of UFOs. I am not against good clever thoughts. Lebedev wrote about “the unit of meaning” remarkably well in the art of killing. That usually makes sense (I do not want to offend anyone) happens a little. Minus, if very flat and gone.
  6. Humor. Bored, comrades. Tell me, when was the last time you smiled looking at posts from the Humor category? Just not funny. I do not care, but pleasure 0.
  7. Flat thoughts. Comrades, well, do not post the trivial and savor it. “To work better, you have to work.” To succeed, you need to concentrate. To learn to drive a car, you need to drive a car. These “recipes from Vasi Pupkin” are so weary that I usually don’t even open them.

And all this on Habré is very much. Sometimes in a day or two no more than one decent author publication.

Request: colleagues, write your own, write well, before clicking “publish”, ask questions: “what am I communicating? What do I want to hear back? What constructive discussion can this cause? ”
I am for quality content.

upd. Plus a topic, minus karma? Give the arguments in the style of "fool"? Well I did not want to prick, but appeal to conscience and taste.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25448/

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