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You write animals wrong

Animals are platforms with very limited memory, computational abilities, and modifications. The developers of the Eni-scene have to produce almost brilliant low-level algorithms. True, a large amount of hardcode causes characteristic problems with the lack of verification in exotic conditions. The same input filtering is very, very crooked.

Vulnerability of Ant Recursive Ant Navigation Algorithms: Spiral of Death

I do not know who wrote most of the birds, but I want to draw attention to the feature that allows for the injection of an arbitrary egg into the nest . The fact is that the bird only checks the location and number of eggs, but not their hashes. In 20% of cases, a cuckoo who exploits this bug can deposit an egg while preserving the checksum, which is enough to enhance the rights in the nest.
But let's go further. I do not know who designed the lizards' architecture, but they run in one process and breathe in another. At the same time, the platform does not support multitasking, so a crutch with a maximum run length of 4-6 seconds is simply epic.

Yes, more about the birds, so as not to get up twice . They have a friend-to-alien recognition module through and through. That allows you to conduct animal-in-the-middle-attack with the substitution of sound chick. All that is approximately the same size and at the same time transmits the open part of the key, you need to feed. Some rodents have a similar bug, which suggests problems with the common library function.

Now the ants. Ants are pretty easy to loop. Their navigation block is combined with the OS priority system, so when building a cyclic route, a "death spiral" forms, dragging out more and more resources of the nest - and it all hangs for 3-4 days until the ants die from exhaustion or something will not change the navigation.

The spiral will pick up more and more ants from the available sources, until the priorities change the external event or the ants die.

But the ostrich is the pinnacle of optimization. How exactly digestion was pushed into it is generally worthy of entering the Programming Pearls. To this bird normally digested food, the developer has invented to force him to naturally eat stones. When running, stones shake and grind grains. Now the most fun. In order not to write a separate code for eating stones, the ostrich was simply taken and turned off the central sector of view (like a hare, but there it is a known minor bug). Therefore, when an ostrich is aiming for grain, it gets only in 30-50% of cases. That easily allows you to recruit the right amount of stones, so even with a margin. That is why the ostriches, running on a clean virtual machine at the zoo, had digestive problems before the appearance of support for stones at the hypervisor level. By the way, cows also eat nails and sometimes gravel, but this is not in architecture, but simply a technical error of backward compatibility.

Yes, and more. A very good thing is code reuse. A part of the functional with stones was then rolled onto a crocodile - so that it dives better. Diving is really better.

Energy problems are solved no less ingenious. With the reptile platform it is still more or less normal (there are simply no long high-level processes), and the crocodile can sit for a day without moving until it catches meat. But with the same large predators everything is harder than mobile OS. At 20 hours a day, the lion removes all active processes and goes into sleep mode. For about 4 hours he is in active mode - he growls, breeds, surfs on savanna and finds a new charge in an antelope or a zebra.

A dolphin in general does not always manage to include both brain nuclei - only when it is necessary to do something important. If you encountered a braking dolphin - check if both eyes are open. Only one? It means that it is in sleep mode and works on a single core with a lower clock frequency.

The bear does not always correctly exit the hibernate mode. This, incidentally, applies to some plants, but there the bug is not so dangerous. Plants are easy to restart. And yes, learn from those who wrote albatross. Albatross generally sleeps in the air.

Now the turtle. She, instead of registering a normal obstacle avoidance algorithm, chopped up the reflex of putting the head back to the shell. Now, even if she stumbles upon a crocodile, he does not have time to bite off her head with his lightning throw. A side effect is that the turtle easily dodges a butcher knife. The speed of processing instructions of the processor does not compare with the speed of the interpreted high-level code from the cook. You will not overtake the tortoise, critical functions are rewritten in assembly language.

The polar bear is a great example of working with solar energy. The bear is transparent to UV in fur and black on the skin. This is the engineer's triumph.

Giraffe - a solid crutch. No, in general, it is clear that customer requirements for krone height increased several times as the project progressed. But what came out of the watering release and was missed at the acceptance is nonsense. Giraffe stupidly does not reach the head with water (!) In the usual mode. He has to terribly wriggle out and almost sit on the splits to drink. Matter of course, predators Anonymus brazenly use this. The baby generally had to be strengthened - in a stable release it falls from a meter and a half at birth.

Guinea pig and a number of fish obliquely prescribed delay on interruptions . If an ordinary animal takes turns polling interruptions like “is there no danger,” “do you need to drink”, “do you need to eat”, “do you need to start breeding”, “don’t you have to go to bed” and “don’t you have to do non-standard procedure "- and all this without visible switching - then the guinea pigs make sleep (1000); after each operation. Apparently, it remains with debugging and entered into release.

It was a good idea to roll the code of the garbage collector in the RAM from the goldfish to a squirrel - the garbage collector with a high probability clears unused pointers to the places of marked nuts and seeds. As a result, thanks to the squirrel many new trees grow.

Here is an Indian cobra exactly wrote a Starcraft fan. Because, think about where else you can meet a unit spitting poison on two and a half meters exactly in the eye of a terran.

Well, once started on the irrationality - remember the same octopus. Kilometers of nervous tissue simply because someone was interested in writing it on a brainfuck. Yes, if you use these separate suction cup control modules, the same fabric - you can get a data center on wheels.

Or take the same penguin - it does not know how to fly, but it swims and jumps merrily in half a meter in height. We wrote it as an educational example for explaining the principles of polymorphism, and then for some reason forgot to comment out the connection of libraries with it in the main release.

Aphids and other insects, as well as a number of animals accurately wrote a rabid fan of recursion. A bright idea to give birth to some already pregnant - just a brain carryover for testers. But the elephant deploitsya 22 months - that's what it means not to get into the processor cache.

By the way, the Easter eggs with the behemoth turned out funny. People are afraid of lions, rhinos, snakes - but only this charming fat man purposefully runs after a man. And, suddenly, at a speed of up to 30 km / h. That is, even cyclists catch up.

Some cats have not removed the hardware bypass in the area of ​​shirki. It is necessary to take the adult system for this place, so immediately disables motor activity. What gave rise to a dangerous bug with a pin, which is often used by violinists.

The chicken's relaxed paw is “latched”, so if you put the chicken on a branch, wait until it falls asleep, and then easily and quickly turn it over, the reflex will work - and you will have a chicken sleeping upside down on a tree. The main thing is to prepare the ground and tell the whole village about vampires the day before the spectacle of such a chicken coop.

In dogs and a number of other predators and scavengers, loot recognition is spelled obliquely. In one of the conditions, AND was accidentally replaced with OR, and here’s the result — a well-known bug with launching a priority process with an attack on a laser pointer spot.

In general, you probably can continue.

PS Please note that most of the described vulnerabilities have not yet been fixed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254473/

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