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PR on DDoS

This week's trend is botnets and DDoS attacks. A start was made by the article by Vitaly Kamlyuk, LC, and the author promised to make a series of publications on this topic. Never mind, Vitaly put the responsibility on the zombie network for the disappearance of money from users' credit cards, theft of postal and IM accounts.
The set of horror stories for users is quite wide, here both phishing and password theft. Interestingly, along with the highly profitable spamming and the aforementioned DDoS, Vitaly suggests that botnet owners can use infected zombie machines "for anonymous access to the Web." Maybe it is so, of course, just the point?

In general, the article is, to put it mildly, heterogeneous. What is the thesis about the unprofitability of the Storm, and, a couple of paragraphs below, the reasoning about the ease and low cost of the process of building a zombie network. It would be more logical to assume that Storm is initially a grid of competent structures (!). But Vitali, such an assumption does not. The author also proposes to contact “the police (!) For help” in cybernights ... However, it is likely that the article was originally written to the west.
Interestingly, literally the next day, the material on Cnews " DDoS Protection: Professional Advise " is published. What is interesting about the article? Yes, nothing but a broken indexing of the article by Yandex and the outright jeans of the NVision Group, which offers “a comprehensive solution to protect against DDoS attacks based on the Cisco Clean Pipes technology”
Literally with a break in the day, I mean today, the article of Denis Zenkin , a man, as they say in official publications, close to the LC, is born in the annex to Commerce. Here one would be surprised at the neighborhood of comments by Alexander Gostev, LK, and Yevgeny Preobrazhensky, Perimetrix, given the very fresh sayings of Natalia Kaspersky about the dismissal of Yevgeny from InfoWatch “for incompetent” / cm. “Kommersant” No. 21 (3838) dated 11.02.2008. But the IT-community, as you know, has special rules. You can quarrel publicly in a big newspaper, and then pretend as if nothing happened. However, it is rather good ...
As for the article itself, it is expectedly wonderful. And if it had all ended, the article would have remained an article, my reasoning is my reasoning, BUT! On May 19, a special insert is expected in Vedomosti on telecom and, attention, Anastasia Golitsyna's material on DDoS attacks. So I think, dear friends, is it an accident? A week under the sign of DDoS in the top media?
No, this is zhzhzhzh is no accident


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25440/

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