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Web applications on the desktop

With the development of the Internet, a huge number of services appear, they are great, comfortable and sometimes bring all your cherished dreams to life. For example, the same mail in Gmail is gold, not a service. Personally, I keep it open all the time. Or the same Google.Docs and - a great replacement for a huge package from Microsoft, and even if there are small flaws, but if you find fault with it, well, you must agree that the ideal editor. Such a list can be enumerated indefinitely, one thing is clear, all these services are gradually replacing the so-called desktop-applications installed in your computer. But there is one small but keeping such web-applications open in the browser is at least not convenient and unusual. It is not convenient, because tabs are constantly being opened in the browser, you can inadvertently
and close the service you need, of course, it would be easier to work with it if it were in a separate window, and much more familiar.
Today we will talk about the program, ready to help in this difficult task.

Mozilla Prism (formerly Webrunner ) is an application whose main task is to launch web-pages in a separate window. In short, this is cut off by firefox, there are no tabs, there are no buttons to update or anything, there’s nothing at all that could remind you of the browser in its original form .
By the way, Prism works not only for Windows, but also for Mac OS X, Linux, as well as firefox itself.
The most interesting feature of this program is that it creates a shortcut on the desktop, in the start menu or in the quick launch bar, for each web application, as if it were a real program. Now, on your computer, you do not need Microsoft Office or Outlook installed or another application that has an analogue on the Internet; all you have to do is to install Prism, set the services that you use daily on the Internet, and Prism creates shortcuts for them. Clicking on the Prism shortcut will open a window with the application you specified.
How is this approach to an online application useful?
This is a great way to transplant an office worker or your home from a desktop application to the web. Instead of the usual program, we put a shortcut on the desktop with the word “mail” and opening it will not even guess what works with the web application, because there will be no backward buttons and others there, there will be only buttons that the authors of the site did. Plus, this window will have much less memory, which can neither be happy.
With the release of Prism, many began to compare it with Adobe Air, but these are completely different things.
Prism is launching web applications in a separate window and working directly with the site.
Adobe Air is a tool for developing interactive applications.
Agree, different things.
By the way, in the new version of Firefox (3.0) Prism has become an addition to it and is now called Refractor . Its convenience lies in the fact that installing something else besides the add-on is unnecessary. But for those who for some reason have not yet installed a new firefox, I post links to the regular version, which comes from separate from firefox:
For Windows , Mac OS , Linux .
And also take a look at the screenshots.

Web Im-messenger meebo eyes Prism :

RSS aggregator Google.Reader eyes Prism:
Google Notebook Web Notebook. Prism eyes:

Todo-service Remember The Milk through the eyes of Prism:

However, what do you need these pictures! Try it yourself, just add a link.
Twitter : twitter.webapp , Facebook : facebook.webapp , Google Reader : greader.webapp , Google Analytics : ganalytics.webapp , Google Groups : groups.webapp , Google Docs : gdocs.webapp , Google Calendar : gcalendar.webapp , Gmail : gmail .webapp .
And on this page you will find even more plugins for working with services.
Good luck in implementing web applications on your desktop!

The author of the article ice_dog_as
via AD28.ru

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25439/

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