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Based on Scott Guthrie Announcements - Azure Web Apps as a convenient and cheap way to develop


On March 24, Scott Guthrie spoke with good news - there were significant changes in the Microsoft Azure platform, which primarily concerned how services reach end customers, how they are called, how they function and how they are paid. It has become much more convenient, cheaper, more functional and easier to understand.

Under the cut it is briefly told what changes were made to the platform.

Azure App Service

Azure App Service is a new service, which is, in fact, an umbrella term, which hides the implementation of applications (web / mobile) and two other interesting types of services - API and Logic, which allow you to associate a project with SaaS (Office 365, Dynamics CRM, etc. ) or local solutions (SAP, Oracle, etc.) and automate business processes.

The App Service includes three types of applications — Web + Mobile (which previously looked like two different types — Websites and Mobile Services), Logic, and API. All of these types use the same pricing model, identical to the Azure Websites model. That is, if you have already used Websites, then now you have everything the same, only in the box is additional mobile support, a Logic App and a set of connectors for connecting to SaaS / local solutions.

Within one App Service, you can host any number of Web + Mobile + Logic + API applications — they will be automatically managed and placed in virtual machines isolated from each other and from other clients (which means dedicated resources).

Web Apps

Learn more about Web Apps. The new service is identical in functionality with Azure WebSites:

For customers using Websites, deployments will be renamed to Web Apps on the portal automatically.

Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps is a functional module that has Mobile Services capabilities, but is more closely integrated with App Service. Innovations:

Mobile Apps can be placed in the same deployment of App Service, which already has a Web application, which will make it possible not to pay for separate deployments - only for one.

Logic apps

Logic App - one of the most interesting innovations, since this was not the case before. Logic App can be used to automate workflow based on automatically launching an application that will do something — call an API, save data, etc. For example, collect data from Dynamics CRM, send mail or SMS, or post a message to Facebook.
The screenshot shows how, with the help of the designer, an automatic workflow has been set up, launched every minute, searching Twitter on Azure tweets and sending SMS to employees:

Logic App can also be placed at no additional charge in a deployment where Web + Mobile already exists.
Currently, the Azure App Service supports the connectors listed in the screenshot.

This set of connectors allows you to automate a powerful workflow and integrate it with Web + Mobile applications.

API Apps

API Apps allows you to create or use third-party APIs - for example, using the Web API or other languages. API Apps can also be integrated with Logic Apps in order to complement the functionality of your project.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254385/

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