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Indoor "GPS" with an accuracy of -2 cm

Good day, colleagues!

It all started with the fact that we, like many, also made robots - autonomous, mobile, with a bunch of sensors and huge potential. Actually, we still continue to do them. But once again faced with one of the key tasks of the robots - determining their position in space and navigating indoors - we decided to focus on solving this task. That's what came out of it.

The video below was shot right at the Skolkovo Robotis 2015 conference. I just installed the stationary beacons on the columns on the first floor of the Hypercube (green points on the map), woke up the beacons, picked up a mobile beacon (blue point) and walked around the floor:

And so you can walk with two beacons in their hands:

This is what the beacons themselves look like (both mobile and stationary):


Every day brings some improvements in the firmware and software. At the moment, the maximum distance between the lighthouses is up to 50 meters.

I hasten to note that accuracy is a very subtle and multivalued concept. But from a practical point of view, it makes sense to build on the tasks, which we were guided by. For example, it is important for a robot to know where it is located; where are the obstacles that he has already found; where is the way he can walk. Thus, when the speed of sound in air changes (temperature, pressure, humidity), the measured distance changes both to beacons and to objects. The card is breathing. But the relative distances do not change. This allows the robot, as before, to find obstacles, path, doors and walls.

Why is ultrasound?

Before choosing the scheme used - active ultrasonic beacons with synchronization and exchange by radio and trilateration - we went deep into possible options for determining the position of the robot in space:

In general, there were many possible systems. But taking into account our goals and objectives of the robots, as well as financial constraints, we stopped at the simplest and most inexpensive operating version with ultrasound, which with simple solutions would give centimeter accuracy.

Results and Next Steps

- We made a navigation system based on ultrasonic active beacons, because this approach is working now and solves the problems facing our and many robots. Pilot clients include mobile robots from the United States, a team of Spanish student crews, a French medicine delivery robot in a hospital, and a couple of Russian advertising robots.

- Does this system solve all indoor navigation tasks? No, not all. For example, when the direct visibility of the beacons is difficult or there is active interference in the ultrasound, the system may show suboptimal results. But there are solutions - more frequent installation of beacons and the use of ultrasonic sensors for "clean" ranges.

- In addition, according to the results of Skolkovo, it turned out that "the same, only for a greater distance" need several other types of robots: to park in the parking lot; to beautifully clean the snow and not break other people's cars and walls. So we played a little and expanded the radius of work in ultrasound to 50 meters and we are making a variant of a suitable climatic version.

- The best solution for navigation is to use a bunch of several systems that complement each other. The specific combination depends on the tasks of the robot and the existing constraints (accuracy, size, current consumption, money, and so on).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254361/

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