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asp.net and OpenID

It's no secret that OpenID is a very popular authorization mechanism and for any web developer, there may come a moment when he decides to use it. If you are programming on asp.net, then your path lies through dotnetopenid , the library that Google distributes.

On the site you can read the following description of the library features (I will give the most interesting):
* Adds the ability to login your users through their OpenID by simply placing the control on the page;
* Full access to all functionality, so that you can configure how OpenID will work on your site, regardless of whether you use asp.net or not;
* Full support for extensions. Plus built-in support for Simple Registration (Simple Registration);
hosting environments);
* Supports OpenId 2.0 and 1.x.

Library requirements:
* .net framework 2.0

Here you can read about how to quickly start using OpenID in asp.net


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25433/

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