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Some interesting and useful things for web developer # 41

Good day, dear habravchane. Recently, I saw some interesting and useful tools / libraries / events that I want to share with Habr.

Learn X in Y minutes

An invaluable resource for many experienced and novice programmers. This project contains a set of brief manuals on several dozen programming languages, where the characteristic features of each of them are very succinctly stated. Understanding the basic principles, of course, simplifies familiarity with the syntax and speeds up time until the first results appear, with a new and different way of describing your thoughts. I am glad that many materials have been translated into Russian.
By the way, there is still Hyperpolyglot , where the differences between tools and programming languages ​​in tables are clearly shown.


A masterpiece library for designing diagrams with lots of examples and a huge API. What is in Joint:


In principle, the essence of this project is already clear from the name - the automation of Git work using NodeJS. It works correctly on Windows, Mac, Linux and supports IO.js.

var Git = require("nodegit"); var getMostRecentCommit = function(repository) { return repository.getBranchCommit("master"); }; var getCommitMessage = function(commit) { return commit.message(); }; Git.Repository.open("nodegit") .then(getMostRecentCommit) .then(getCommitMessage) .then(function(message) { console.log(message); }); 


It seems that just recently I was learning how to bring sounds to the browser and there were 3 ways: Flash, Java applet and the wonderful <bgsoung> tag. Now JavaScript is driving everyone, and Wavesurfer.js based on Web Audio API coolly draws sound waves.
 var wavesurfer = Object.create(WaveSurfer); wavesurfer.init({ container: document.querySelector('#wave'), waveColor: 'violet', progressColor: 'purple' }); wavesurfer.on('ready', function () { wavesurfer.play(); }); wavesurfer.load('example/media/demo.mp3'); 


Cool effect that mimics the human behavior in correspondence.

Western thoughts or what would translate to Habré:

They say and show domestic IT resources:


For help in preparing the material I express my deep gratitude to Alexander Maslov drakmail .

Friends backenders! I think everyone knows that I am doing my compilations entirely on altruism. I always went through a bunch of websites to make it always convenient to work. And at one point I decided to share the material found. Over time, collections have gained some popularity and significantly expanded in terms of content. From now on, I will clearly structure the “Finally” block so that people do not have to look for what they need. In order for the sections not to be bare and always filled with relevant information, I need your help. And the problem is not only in time, but also in competence. In terms of backend, I am rather a theorist than a practitioner.

Pkhshshnik, rubist , pythonist, goschik , if you already monitor GitHub Trending, Reddit, HackerNews or Twitter in search of interesting and useful things on your topic, if you find it definitely has value, but does not deserve the attention of the whole post, if it's not difficult for you once a week / in two weeks, depending on the material to share a pair of kilobytes of reference mass, then write me in a personal or any social. network from profile. Scribble in the main section as desired. The name or contacts of volunteers in each post will be indicated.

Previous selection (Issue 40)

I apologize for any typos. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal.

Thank you all for your attention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254327/

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