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New in Wolfram Language: TimelinePlot function for creating timelines

A few years ago we created a website dedicated to the chronology of the emergence and development of various systematized data and calculated knowledge that you can see online . I wrote code that places events along the timeline, and then our designers did serious work on the design of the resulting material (fonts, titles, colors, and the like) and brought the quality to a commercial level.

In general, last year we added the NumberLinePlot function in the Wolfram Language to visualize points, regions and inequalities. As soon as users started working with NumberLinePlot , we started receiving requests for the introduction of a similar function, but with dates and time, so we decided that the time had come for TimelinePlot .

One of the differences between TimelinePlot and NumberLinePlot is the importance of tags and how often they are used. Our task was to create such a system that would easily include tags and automatically place them on a chronological line. You can use the rules for labels, and labels will be arranged so as to avoid overlapping each other as much as possible. It was important to learn how to automatically create labels in such a way that they did not differ in quality from what our designers created manually. Last year I went on vacation with my family and took notes on where we moved, who we visited and what we did. Below is an example of how to work with this data in the Wolfram Language:

It turns out that the many objects that Wolfram Language knows about have at least one date associated with them, so it’s very easy to create chronological lines from them. One of my favorite examples that is not so difficult to implement is the chronology of Star Trek releases:

In this example, the labels are on top of each other, because the width of the page is not very large. This is not very convenient, so try to position the chronological line vertically:

You can also try to arrange the astrological line horizontally, but without placement in the columns:

In addition to creating excellent posters and chronologies of film shows , TimelinePlot is also useful for tracking flight schedules, keeping a diary, schedules of historical events, chronologies of famous people’s lives, planning conferences, events and much more.

The TimelinePlot feature will be added in the next Wolfram Language release (Mathematica 10.1, coming soon) ... stay tuned!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254299/

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