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20% of iPhones are in “unlocked” countries?

iPhone beret
Many well know that a significant number of iPhones are bought and shipped from the countries in which they are officially sold. But not many people outside the main office of Apple knows the real extent of the damage.
Recent statistics from AdMob , a mobile advertising company, do not offer an accurate picture, but they certainly support Apple’s claims that a significant number of phones were purchased for use outside the US.

According to AdMob, in the previous month about 80% of their advertising content was downloaded from the countries where the iPhone is officially sold (USA, France, England and Germany). The remaining 20% ​​were divided between Canada, Mexico, Hong Kong, Holland, Italy, Brazil and other countries.
Does this mean that 20% of iPhone users have unlocked their phones? Not. We think that their share is much higher.
Analysts suggest that the actual amount is somewhere between 25% and 60%. And paying tribute to the statistics of AdMob, we think that this seems to be true. Why? Because AdMob is an American company and half of their requests come from the USA. We assume that most of their customers are also in the states, and much smaller in Europe, Asia and Latin America, where, in turn, a large number of unlocked iPhones are used. If you use an iPhone in Russia, then it’s not very likely that you’ll go to, say, CBS Sports Mobile, on which AdMob advertises, and it’s even less likely that you’ll be included in their statistics.
But still, this is very useful information that shows how popular apple phones are where they don't seem to exist.
PS The original article is on the site of Silicon Alley Insider.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25429/

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