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The ratio of abstraction and complexity in modeling

Good time to read, dear members habrahabr.ru

When modeling, sometimes there are problems with understanding the problem and understanding the user. This article offers the option of user interaction with the task - the perception of the task by the user.

Attempt to describe the source data for analysis:

Blue - with the signature “Genesis” at the top - hyperbolic cones are drawn, reflecting the complication of nature. The axis of symmetry of the cones - the axis of "Abstract".

The left parts of the cones are not displayed in the figure. The construction resembles a yula with a horizontal gap - between abstract and concrete. Accordingly, the division of complexity - vertical cylinders.

The initial state of being is the point at the intersection of the axes "complexity" and "abstractness".

As development proceeds, the abstract expands from the axis “complexity” upwards, and the concrete - downwards.
The expansion parameter may be time.


Table of categories of philosophy:


Abstract - spawned by fantasy
Concrete - generated by nature

Difficulty groups

Chaos - not sustainable manifestation
Elements - Inanimate Nature
Processes - active change of the surrounding world
Communities - Team Collaboration
Globality - filling the available space
Ecology - coordination with the development of the Universe

Periods of difficulty

preparation - identifying the basis for the level
development - the emergence of positive feedback
stabilization - the appearance of negative feedback
conservation - use of results achieved

Periodic system of development
Modeling difficulty levels

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254275/

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