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Ban on bitcoin in Russia this fall?

The Ministry of Economic Development has given a positive decision in assessing the regulatory impact ( ODS ) of the draft law on monetary surrogates.

Recall that at the previous stage, it gave a negative decision , since according to the previous version of the project, it was proposed to recognize as money-substitutes practically everything that is not the Russian ruble or foreign currency.

Of course, the first blow would have occurred in business: coupons, airline miles, points, gift certificates, etc. This was the main reason for the negative decision, after which the following draft paragraph appeared in the text of the draft after revision:
Objects of property rights arising as a result of fulfillment by the parties of their obligations under civil law contracts and used to stimulate the purchase of goods, works, and services are not recognized as money substitutes.

After this adjustment, the current version of the draft Ministry of Finance was approved by the Ministry of Economic Development with a slight comment, saying that the list of functions of the Central Bank is complemented by a duty
make decisions regarding information that allows for the release (issue) of monetary surrogates and (or) operations with their use. Moreover, the nature and content of these decisions are not disclosed in the draft act.

It would be desirable, of course, to more clearly understand what may in general be information allowing the release (emission) of money substitutes and (or) transactions with their use, but this is not disclosed anywhere. With such a formulation it is not clear, is it possible to talk and write about how the mining of cryptocurrencies works? Does this information allow something or not? And the description of the implementation of the function SHA256 (SHA256 (Data))?
Absolutely all the suggestions and comments on the results of the public discussion were not taken into account. The published summary of the proposals is essentially a formal reply. Many suggestions and comments are left without any comments at all, and where they are, the text of the comment is the same, regardless of the nature of the proposals or comments.

Based on the foregoing, it is also logical to assume that there may be problems for game developers of studios that use in-game currencies and for companies that use other entities that are not within the definition-exception from the project under discussion.

Another thing worth remembering is Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseyev, who stated at the All-Russian Banking Conference that the law, which provides for penalties for using money surrogates, will be adopted this year, as well as blocking websites dedicated to cryptocurrency topics.

In the Duma, they are already waiting for this law, some deputies even took the initiative to hold it before all approvals, in particular, “Fair Russia” , and the Liberal Democratic Party considers that
All these cryptocurrencies are created by the American special services just to finance terrorism and "color revolutions"

Summarizing all the above, there are no reasons yet to see why this law will not be passed at the autumn session of the Duma this year. That this decision will well throw our country back has been repeatedly written, it makes no sense to repeat. It is just a bit annoying to observe what is happening here, against the background of processes in more developed countries on this issue.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254227/

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