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No anonymity

Hi% username%! I wanted to show you and tell part of my research into the study of this world, which I told at the Zeronights 2014 conference. The topic was about de-anonymization, but more questions were about the data, so I decided to tell about it separately.

Well, you know that the sites collect data about your visit, where you came from, where you go, your requests, ip addresses? Here you remember how much and what number you were looking for.
Actually, here is an example of the data . Fichu covered, sample data in the comments :)
It is your% username%. If you have an empty page, maybe you are using Ghostery, Adblock, Noscript plugins - give a link to your friend, I hope you will be surprised.

What was it?

Data. The usual data about users who collect many sites. Includes search queries, browsers, ip-addresses, visited sites. They are based on age, gender, interests. And this is just one of the examples that was gathered by one of the many companies.

Why this data to third parties?

Before showing you an advertisement, they will collect data about you, where you go and why, then analyze them. They will understand your approximate age, assign you to certain interests, determine solvency. But the truth is, if I sit on the cyclists' forum, it’s nice to show me the advertisements for bicycle accessories, and not pink panties with an ultra-modern eraser from the new collection of European designers.

How is the data collected?

You go to the site of the lifebase.lol.
The system assigns you an identifier, for example - 0001 and creates a cookie user = 0001. Writes himself:
15-43 On March 27, user 0001 logged in with the ip address xxxx, User-agent: Calculator 1.2, the lifebol.lol website

Then he enters the naked popl.l.lol site, from the search site.lol /? Search = naked + but + not + funny , here you can create 3 records at once.
20-43 On March 27, user 0001 came in from the ip address xxxx, the site search.lol /? Search = naked, + but + not + funny

20-43 March 27 from the ip address xxxx search query "bare but not funny"

20-43 On March 27, user 0001 logged in with the ip address xxxx, the site barepopki.lol

If on site 1 there is no bug, but you follow the link to site 2, having transferred referer, the “system” will already know that you were on both.
Well, this is the most primitive option. Only such data is hundreds, thousands of times more. In addition, the used devices are collected (rule of three), your movement, the rest you put on display in social networks.

Why is there so much data?

Because they are exchanged. Imagine, I'm a big social network. And you - the store. It is beneficial for you to know who visits the store, you will not know without me. And it is also profitable for me to show advertising. So let's wave without looking?

Yes, this is personal data! It's illegal!

Controversial. Information is impersonal. Is the personal information that the user with ID 0001 came to lifebol.lol website? And the fact that the user with the identifier 0001 attends nakedop.l.lol on weekends? And the fact that the user with ID 0001 - has id53083705 on the site vk.com? Where is the line?

So who collects this data?

Everything. And who has a large resource, but does not collect - that fool. This is modernity and there is no escape from it. If you are the owner of the site - most likely you also collect data and send it to the guys who show you the advertisement. Not? Sure?
Now let's go through the main data sources. Most of the information, as I believe, the corporation Google. I am sure that she knows more about you than you do.


It is quite logical that advertising banners are information collectors themselves.

Counters and Analytics

For example, Yandex.Metrica with the "Webvisor" function is a full-featured keylogger. Put some private chat and Yandex.Metrica and watch what users write. And the counters are purely functional need to collect data.

Plug-in fonts, libraries, images

Do you refer to other people's resources?

I have a super plugin that blocks everything.

Not all. At the very least, it skips as at the maximum — everything is bought and sold .

I erase the cookie every 34 seconds, change the user-agent and my keyboard

Well, okay. In addition to cookies, there are a lot of ways to assign a unique identifier to the user's browser. And it is already used.

I generally watch sites through the console

No problem. Data about the sites you visited will be sold by providers. Here is a list of providers whose data can be purchased through the imaker system, which ValdikSS already wrote about

Want to become a spy site? Connect the counter to the site and welcome to the team!

I watch sites through the console, through the neighbor Wi-Fi, change the Mac address, flash, js, for double-vpn from different countries is disabled.

Congratulations, now you are attracting attention! True, I'm not sure that interested in this service monitors suspicious traffic. And in general, in the place of services interested in this, I would use de-anonymization in practice.

What to do?

Be sure to read, watch or listen to the speech of Steve Rambam at the Hackers On Planet Earth conference there is no anonymity, reconcile . Live and Enjoy Life. Anyway, nothing will change.

The remaining examples on the slides .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254217/

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