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Dart for the whole web

From the translator: 2 days ago, the creators of the Dart language presented an updated language development strategy for the web, which gave rise to controversial discussions on popular resources ( reddit , google plus ). Here is the text of this announcement.

We work with a variety of teams inside and outside of Google who use Dart daily to create business-critical applications. Their reviews are the same: they like working with Dart, its libraries and tools, and they also compile it in JS during the deployment of web applications. However, customers want better integration with JS, as well as an easier way to debug and optimize applications in all modern browsers. We listened to all the wishes and today we present a more focused Dart strategy for the web.
To improve the position of our users and the entire web, not just Google Chrome, we focus our efforts on compiling Dart into JavaScript. We decided not to integrate the Dart virtual machine into Chrome. The new strategy leads us to provide opportunities for more productive creation of web applications in the language of Dart. For users, it also simplifies the development process scripts, as they can focus on the only way to create, test, and deploy their Dart applications for the web.

Google Ads, one of Dart's largest customers, is confident in the language and supports this new strategy. Scott Silver, Vice President of Ads Development, said, “We are committed to building our next-generation web applications in the Dart language. The fact that we decided to concentrate on generating the optimal JS code helps us to provide excellent applications to all those who use modern browsers. Dart significantly increased the productivity of our developers and the ability to quickly launch and iterate projects. We now have 1 million lines of Dart-code and their number is growing rapidly. ” Many Google teams, such as Google Fiber, Google Express, and Google’s in-house sales team, use Dart for mission-critical business applications.

Dart developers outside Google also support our new strategy. When the DGLogik team, application developers for the Internet of Things, needed to convert their complex visualization application from Flash to HTML5, they chose Dart, because “the Dart team’s attention is directed to all aspects of the web and ensures that we will continue to provide great impressions to all our users . "Dennis Khvostionov ( approx. Lane. I don’t know how to translate correctly ), CTO of DGLogik, continues," Without productivity bonuses and Dart tools, we would need a team 2 times more. "

Many developers use Dart both on the client and on the server, thereby reducing development time, using the code again. We remain committed to optimizing and improving the virtual machine for developer tools, servers, and mobile applications.

We started the Dart project because we believe that every developer deserves simplicity, productivity and productivity of development. A new web strategy simplifies the creation of “c” and “for” applications on the modern web with Dart. Together with the constant faith of Google Ads in the language of Dart, and our new strategy for the web, we boldly step into the future.

- Lars Buck and Casper Lund, creators of the Dart language

PS This is my first translation. Please write in a personal about all the shortcomings. I will actively correct.
PPS Thanks to SLY_G , alizar and lany users for reviewing the article.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254195/

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