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Story "6 hours before the launch of BAK"

The topic of the Large Hadron Collider has not yet cracked your teeth? :)

Not? Then I bring to your attention my little fantastic story. A little late with the publication, so before reading, imagine that you are in the past, and it remains just six hours before the launch of the LHC.


Six hours before the launch of the Large Hadron Collider

May 14, 2008. 6 hours before the launch of the Large Hadron Collider.

Stephen drove slowly to work in his battered car. The mood was fighting.
Red light of the traffic light, stop. Today he was not even annoyed by the cheerful laughter of the children playing, which was heard from the school yard that was next door. Here is the green light. Left turn…

The personal diary of Stephen Gauman. April 29, 2008
Work on the BAC is coming to an end. Already announced the date and time of the first experimental launch. On the one hand, it excites me and makes me feel positive emotions. On the other hand, there is a feeling of internal devastation. All my life I worked on the BAC. In fact, he is my life. What else? The work burned my time in a matter of moments, although in reality the years passed. I am 42 years old. Instead of my own house, I rent a furnished room. Instead of his wife - a microwave, dishwasher and food processor. Children? Two laptops, but a pocket computer. Even bonsai dried up due to the fact that I was lost at work, for days without appearing at home.

Stephen switched on the radio station and, finding nothing suitable, turned off the radio. Again these love songs, yes pop motive. Why no one sings songs about large hadron colliders? Right turn…

The personal diary of Stephen Gauman. May 3, 2008
I am more and more hurt by the reasoning of some colleagues about the danger of experiments with the collider. Besides the danger to the entire planet! It's just ridiculous. All work is under the control of the best minds of the Earth. What the hell is the danger? For the sake of laughter, I took to read the calculations of these madmen.

Asphalt policeman slowed down the movement of Stephen's car. The couple in love slowly crossed the road, they didn’t take apart even at the crossing. Stephen grimaced in disgust. Left turn…

The personal diary of Stephen Gauman. May 9, 2008
Incredible. Those who spoke of a possible danger seemed to be really right. The last six days I spent the calculations. I was able to simulate the production of antimatter, which would really entail, let's say, a small explosion. Very small. But for our planet enough, and the whole solar system will get. With the usual conduct of an experiment, this is of course impossible. But if you change some parameters ... I'm even afraid to show my research to someone else. I know these experimenters ... Just to cut something off.

Some sort of a swagger cut Stephen in a corner. The yellow cabriolet, decorated with red balloons, looked very cheerful against the green of the trees. All Stephen’s thoughts were already at work, he didn’t even notice the gig. Right turn…

The personal diary of Stephen Gauman. May 12, 2008
Could not resist and showed his calculations to Aaron. He smashed my conclusions to pieces. I do not want to doubt the professionalism of the eminent physicist, but I have long had the feeling that he is more interested in the financial side of things than others. Given the scope of the experiment, something will be difficult to stop, especially when well-known scientists do not even want to think about it. But how can he ignore my calculations ?! There is one hundred percent results. I have tested the model dozens of times with the help of our new grid network. Sinful business, I am already thinking about turning one unplanned experimenter. A bit of antimatter can be obtained quite safely. Sorry, not enough time to check it on the model. But intuition tells me that everything will be fine. Damn it, with my experience ... How could I be wrong? !!!

A wedding motorcade, led by a long Hummer limousine, was driving in the opposite direction. Apparently the convertible was catching up with the wedding. The long beeps of cars rushed through the narrow streets of the city, reflecting from the walls of houses. Steven was impatient to get to work, he pressed the gas pedal harder. Left turn…

The personal diary of Stephen Gauman. May 13, 2008
Today at dinner Aaron publicly called me a charlatan. And he threatened to write a report, to remove me from the experiment. Well, jokes. Remove me? !!! I put my whole soul into this, her mother, collider !!! The charlatan ... Let's see which of us is a charlatan ... I’ll stick his nose at the indicators of the devices, I wonder how he will explain the infinite mass in the final volume. It is only necessary to get a little bit, a very small anti-grit ... I performed the simulation on the old software. It seems that everything should be in my plan. Tomorrow we will see who will be the last to laugh! Charlatan…


May 14, 2008. 2 hours before the launch of the Large Hadron Collider.

Ivan was a very experienced psychologist. He recognized Steven's intense tension even by his gait, when he watched a group of scientists at tracking monitors. Therefore, he was not at all surprised that the auto-tester of the mental state almost went berserk during the test. The monitor flashes red: “Serious danger !!! The object under study is dangerous to others! Immediate isolation is required !!! ” Programmers are not stingy with exclamations.

Mind Ivan was not offended and knew more about the collider than many, because he could well imagine what it threatened. But for some reason he was in no hurry to click on the isolation confirmation button. Thousands of images quickly flashed in his head. The Second World War. Death mother, father. And now endless squabbles snickering fellows. Gray loneliness. The torn colors of the rare joyful events could not be formed into the harmony of light. The blackness of pain, melancholy, injustice with caustic scratches tore the inner world of the doctor. Boredom of constant work with people, if they could be called that. Nine out of ten are sick. Yes, and the tenth for a healthy come down with a stretch. The terminally ill part of the body must be amputated.

An ominous grin twisted his face. It will be interesting to see which planet will have its next reincarnation and in what capacity. As they say, who does not risk, he does not drink champagne. The psychologist quickly put the mark "Goden" and conveniently sat back in his chair ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25417/

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