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Free online school of Android developers

The first Android phone T-Mobile G1 was introduced in October 2008, and now there are more than 1 billion active users of the platform worldwide. According to statistics, 1.5 million Android devices are activated every day. Applications and developers are the main component of the Android ecosystem, so the task of training and helping developers is one of our top priorities for us.

Today, e-Legion and Google jointly launch the first online school of Android mobile developers .

Since 2011, the mobile application developer e-Legion has organized free offline schools for mobile developers. The first was the iOS school, which collected more than 200 applications and released 12 students in the fall of 2011. Then there were schools of mobile developers for Windows Phone and Android. With each announcement on Habré, we were faced with the question of whether there would be a recording of lectures and whether it is possible to participate in those who do not live in St. Petersburg. Every time we answered something from the series "soon everything will be." And now, finally, this "soon" came. We decided to create a school where anyone from any city can enroll and which can be taken remotely.

Our new school course will consist of 13 lectures on Android-development. Representatives of such companies as Tinkoff , Aviasales , JetBrains , OK.RU, Kaspersky Lab , Parallels , LinguaLeo , Mail.ru , ABBYY took part in the lecture notes. During the course, experts will tell not only the theory of development for Android, but also show various chips, as well as share original ideas that appeared in the process of working on their own applications.
Every week, starting from March 30, we will release 1 lecture. Published lectures will be available for viewing at any time. After each lecture, students will be asked to take a test to consolidate the material. And according to the results of the whole course you will have the final test. Students who have successfully passed the final test will receive a certificate from Google about the end of Android school.

School attendance is free. All that is required is to register on the school website.
The official school hashtag #learndroid, write your feedback, we will be happy to read them.

See you in class!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254091/

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