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Recover Lost LVM Volume in XenServer

Once upon a time, I had a car with XenServer 6.5 on board and several arrays of SATA drives. Recently, SATA performance was no longer enough and it was decided to replace one array with SAS disks. For these purposes, the Adaptec 3805 RAID controller was found (I know that it is old, but a freebie).

After successfully creating a RAID array from SAS disks (I confess, I used adaptek raid) and adding it as lvm-storage, I started transferring one of the virtual machine images to it. In the process of contemplating the transfer of progress, the suspicion of something was wrong has crept in, since the tone of the sound of the server has changed. And when the server went into a standalone reboot, I began to slowly go gray ... And finally it finished me that after the reboot I did not find the portable image in any of the repositories, and the new repository itself is displayed with the status "not available".

After a short walk to calm my nerves and a cup of coffee, I rolled up my sleeves (yeah, then on a T-shirt) and started thinking how to restore the image ...

To begin with, naturally, I got into the logs and saw that an error occurred while creating the storage from the SAS array:
Error code: SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_47 

Error means that storage is not available. I decided to check the physical volumes of lvm via pvdisplay and did not see the created volume on the SAS array. pvs also did not find the volume.
This meant that the repository, in fact, was not created. More precisely, a storage object was created in XenServer, but at the same time it was not associated with physical storage. Why did XenServer behave this way, and, moreover, allowed me to transfer the image to this repository, I did not find out.
It turns out that the image on the SAS array can not even be searched, since nothing was physically transferred to it. So you need to try to restore the image from the storage on which it was originally.

An Internet search on LVM logical volume recovery has set an initial vector for excavations.

LVM stores its current configuration in / etc / lvm / backup / and, under normal conditions, the archive of old configurations as binary files, in / etc / lvm / archive /. The XenServer repository UUID matches the LVM VolumeGroup name. But it turns out that in XenServer this very archive is disabled:
# Configuration of metadata backups and archiving. In LVM2 when we
# talk about a copy of the metadata for the
# * current * system. The 'archive' contains old metadata configurations.
# Backups are stored in a human readeable text format.
backup {

# Should we maintain a backup of the current metadata configuration?
# Use 1 for Yes; 0 for No.
# Think very hard before turning this off!
backup = 1

# Where shall we keep it?
# Remember to back up this directory!
backup_dir = "/ etc / lvm / backup"

# Should we maintain an archive of old metadata configurations.
# Use 1 for Yes; 0 for No.
# On by default. Think very hard before turning this off.
archive = 0

# Where should archived files go?
# Remember to back up this directory!
archive_dir = "/ etc / lvm / archive"

#What to keep?
retain_min = 10

# File archive for?
retain_days = 30

Further searches have shown that lvm stores an archive of all VolumeGroup configurations in the initial sectors of these same VolumeGroup. Since my storage is located on a separate array, I look through the beginning of this array:
 # hexdump -C /dev/md1 | less 

If you see something similar to configs, you can take a dump of these sectors for easier reading (in my case, the archive took 100MB):
 # dd if=/dev/md1 of=dump.conf bs=100M count=1 

You can also remove the dump using the lvmdump command.

In the dump I am looking for a config, the date of which precedes the moment the image disappears:
 VG_XenStorage-a1744b5b-cc65-ac9a-390c-8cfacf2cc191 { id = "TprMi6-z1OR-BGcz-uReP-if22-6122-tfu0zP" seqno = 5 status = ["RESIZEABLE", "READ", "WRITE"] flags = [] extent_size = 8192 # 4 Megabytes max_lv = 0 max_pv = 0 metadata_copies = 0 physical_volumes { pv0 { id = "0gexgQ-urcH-GZd0-iehs-ne0y-6JYz-ZTGbna" device = "/dev/md1" # Hint only status = ["ALLOCATABLE"] flags = [] dev_size = 473571375 # 225.816 Gigabytes pe_start = 20608 pe_count = 57806 # 225.805 Gigabytes } } logical_volumes { MGT { id = "Znwuly-qcgx-AHbd-1qg9-Jjp8-eogk-N5ASme" status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"] flags = [] segment_count = 1 segment1 { start_extent = 0 extent_count = 1 # 4 Megabytes type = "striped" stripe_count = 1 # linear stripes = [ "pv0", 0 ] } } VHD-6bdf21c1-cc52-45d1-ab9e-56bd7aa9bc89 { id = "yLMfFb-9yOk-vf1N-FTmz-5NiL-F5lx-NNmkuN" status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"] flags = [] segment_count = 1 segment1 { start_extent = 0 extent_count = 12827 # 50.1055 Gigabytes type = "striped" stripe_count = 1 # linear stripes = [ "pv0", 1 ] } } } } 

From this config, only the record corresponding to the missing image is needed (that record that is not in the current config in / etc / lvm / backup / <Corresponding VG>, in my case VHD-6bdf21c1-cc52-45d1-ab9e-56bd7aa9bc89). I rewrite it into the current configuration and give the LVM command to restore the VG from the backup:
 vgcfgrestore -f /etc/lvm/backup/VG_XenStorage-a1744b5b-cc65-ac9a-390c-8cfacf2cc191 -v VG_XenStorage-a1744b5b-cc65-ac9a-390c-8cfacf2cc191 

I check that the Logical Volume has picked up:
 # lvdisplay --- Logical volume --- LV Name /dev/VG_XenStorage-a1744b5b-cc65-ac9a-390c-8cfacf2cc191/MGT VG Name VG_XenStorage-a1744b5b-cc65-ac9a-390c-8cfacf2cc191 LV UUID Znwuly-qcgx-AHbd-1qg9-Jjp8-eogk-N5ASme LV Write Access read/write LV Status available # open 0 LV Size 4.00 MB Current LE 1 Segments 1 Allocation inherit Read ahead sectors auto - currently set to 256 Block device 253:0 --- Logical volume --- LV Name /dev/VG_XenStorage-a1744b5b-cc65-ac9a-390c-8cfacf2cc191/VHD-6bdf21c1-cc52-45d1-ab9e-56bd7aa9bc89 VG Name VG_XenStorage-a1744b5b-cc65-ac9a-390c-8cfacf2cc191 LV UUID yLMfFb-9yOk-vf1N-FTmz-5NiL-F5lx-NNmkuN LV Write Access read/write LV Status available # open 0 LV Size 50.11 GB Current LE 1 Segments 1 Allocation inherit Read ahead sectors auto - currently set to 256 Block device 253:0 

If you now search the repository (via XenCenter or xe sr-scan), then XenServer will successfully erase this entry and you will have to do it all over again. As I understand it, XenServer does not see a VDI (disk image) with a UUID corresponding to our restored Logical Volume.

XenServer, when using lvm, stores disk images directly in the Logcal Volume. More precisely, the Logical Volume is the VHD image. Therefore, I suggested that you can force XenServer to see an image by copying it on top of another one of the same size.

To copy a section, activate the sections in this VG:
 # vgchange -ay VG_XenStorage-a1744b5b-cc65-ac9a-390c-8cfacf2cc191 

Now you have access to the LVM section, so you can copy this section using dd:
 # dd if=/dev/VG_XenStorage-a1744b5b-cc65-ac9a-390c-8cfacf2cc191/VHD-6bdf21c1-cc52-45d1-ab9e-56bd7aa9bc89 of=image.vhd bs=100M 

After the copied image was added to the virtual machine, as well as after the machine started from this image, my happiness knew no bounds!

However, not everything is so rosy. It was necessary to turn off the server to remove the buggy controller. And when I turned on the image again disappeared! It turns out that XenServer checks the UUID of the image in LVM with the UUID in its database at startup and, if they do not match, the image is deleted.

While picking up, LVM noticed that when transferring an image from one repository to another, its UUID also changes and, based on this, suggested that it is possible to finally resurrect the image by simply copying the image copied through dd to another repository. This should update the UUID in the image by matching it with the UUID in the database. We repeat all the procedures again, then we transfer the image to the temporarily created storage for this, add it to the virtual machine and try to start it. Run runs fine.

Rebooting the server, shaking hands with impatience and fatigue, we check the list of images and ... the image is in place! Happiness has no limits and, pleased with myself, I am leaving for the sunset ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/254011/

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