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Search Engine Optimization for AppStore and Google Play or ASO

Search engine optimization for the AppStore and Google Play is a set of measures to improve the visibility of mobile applications in the AppStore and Google Play Market search results. Abbreviated as ASO - App Search Search Optimization.

There are factors in ASO that are beyond your control and factors that you can control, test and improve. You cannot really control audience engagement or positive feedback if you use unethical methods and buy reviews, but you can control the context factors of your application. The contextual factor implies the content displayed on the application page. This content plays a major role in improving your position in the ranking.

Some of the factors that we are going to optimize are:
• Name
• Keywords
• Description

For a better understanding of what ASO means, let's compare it to SEO optimization (Search Engine Optimization). A simple comparison between SEO and ASO will help you understand this better.
Application title = title tag.
Publisher name = h1 tag.
The field with the keyword = normal text.

The external factors of SEO are usually links, mainly because links are "guarantors of support" from other developers to your site. In the world of applications, these voices of trust are ratings, reviews, and downloads.
How do ranking algorithms work in Google Play and AppStore?

Google Play Ranking Formulas

The ranking formula in Google Play can be roughly represented as follows: temporary relevance * t + keyword frequency in the title * u + keyword frequency in the description * v + ratings * w + total score * x + active settings in percent * y + black optimization * z.

Temporal relevance can be understood from how Google works today.

Total score. To understand what “total score” means, you can cite the Google Play software distribution agreement: “Implementing Products. The market will allow users to rate Products. Only users who have downloaded the corresponding Product will be able to rate it. Product Rating will be used to determine its placement on the Market. Products rated higher offer better placement, provided that Google can change the placement at its sole discretion.

The market can also assign you a total score for any product that has not received user ratings.
Developer’s Cumulative Score will be information about the quality of the product, which is based on history and will be determined at the discretion of Google. For new developers without a product history, Google may use or publish performance measurements, such as uninstallations and / or refund, to identify or remove products that are not suitable for standards defined by Google. Google reserves the right to display products to consumers in a manner that will be determined by Google at its discretion. ”

Surely black optimization or secret sauce is one of the realities of any SEO, ASO or game ranking: an unidentified factor.

Formula ranking on the App Store

The ranking formula in the App Store can be roughly represented as follows: temporary relevance * t + keyword in the title * v + keywords * v + ratings * w + downloads * x + active settings in percent * y + Apple Love * z.

The description does not affect the App Store algorithm, as it does on Google Play.

The difference between downloads and active installations. The number of downloads is always higher than the active installations. Many users can download the application, but not use it or delete it later. Active installations play a more active role than many companies expect.

On Apple Love, unfortunately, we can not affect in any way.

For better ranking, the “Application Page” should be optimized with:

• Application name
• Application keywords
• Application Description
• application icon
• Screenshots
• App rating
• application reviews
• Screenshots

Application Name

The name of the application plays an important role in ranking, but even more important than the rating of your application. The name plays a huge role in branding and success. When you think about the name of the application, you want to come up with a catchy name that includes what your application does. If this name also includes relevant keywords that could help with ASO, then it is even better.

You have 25 characters and no more than 55 characters on Google Play for the name of your application.

In the App Store, it can be up to 255 characters long. The App Store product pages will better display 70 characters or less and the App Store search results on the iPhone will better display 35 characters or less.

The name of the app carries a lot of weight when it comes to ASO Google searches and the App Store. Keywords in the title of the application are grouped with those in the tag for the keyword. This means that you do not need to have the same keywords in the name of the application as in the keyword of the submitted tag.


In the App Store, keyword relevance can be applied to:
- The name of the application;
- Developer name;
- The field itself with keywords.

In Android, keyword relevance can be applied to:
- The name of the application;
- Developer name;
- Description;
- And comments.

So, keywords have a stronger impact on Google Play compared to the App Store.


The description of your application should be written in clear English and should have a big impact in the first two sentences. The ideal format is two paragraphs, followed by five or six bulleted features. Describe what your application does in the first 2 lines, mainly so that users do not have to scroll and click "More" to learn about your application in the App Store.

Avoid big boring content blocks. Try to go straight to the important features of your application and focus on how easy and fun it is to use.

To optimize the description in the App Store, be sure to check for appropriate line breaks. Each line can be 120 characters followed by a carriage return. Checking the number of characters will help control the format of the text. You have only 3 lines, i.e. 360 characters to display descriptions on one screen.

The maximum length is 120 characters before hyphenation. In three lines. In some cases, the first line with the description works better, the second is a space, the third is also with the description. One line in the iPhone before word wrap (only in vertical orientation) is 45 characters. A maximum of 17-18 lines before the user sees the screenshots. In iPad (in horizontal orientation) - 75 characters, 4-4.5 lines up to screenshots.

For Google Play, it is important to describe your application in a brief description. The short description field is limited to 80 characters, although when clicked, the "Full Description" will be displayed.

Do not carry words in a bulleted list if they do not exceed 45 characters per line. Thanks to Unicode, they look crisp. Attention is paid to lines 17 and 18 in the description of the application. They are final before the user scrolls down to see screenshots.

Description for the App Store may be less ASO focused and more aimed at attracting users with a good copyright. On the other hand, the description in Google Play can be written in ASO mind. This means that the Google algorithm provides more relevance to the placement of keywords compared to the App store.

You have 4000 characters to come up with a good description, which should include keywords, rich sentences and, I hope, powerful copywriting, so that users can download your application.


Along with the name, your application icon will be exactly what makes the first impression on users. A visual and aesthetically appealing icon can significantly increase your visibility on the App Store. In fact, it is the icon, not the description, that prompts many users to download the application. The application icon should be clear, clear and modern, making inspire people to click. An application icon with words, as a rule, attracts less attention than an icon without words.


Here are some tips to follow when working with this section:

- Use as many screenshots as possible. Google allows you to embed 8 screenshots, while the App Store - 5;
-The first screenshot that you use on the app page in the store should reflect what your app is about and what makes it special;
- If your application is available in different languages, download screenshots for each language. This is especially true if you sell an application outside your country;
- On the iPhone, you can upload screenshots of 640x960. A good idea is to use four 160x240 screenshots with a description of each.

Graphics for Google Play in the future. The Charts field will now appear at the top of the app details in the Play Store. It is a powerful tool to show your creative assets and attract users. Image requirements and display tips are available under the Feature Graphic section - Graphic assets, screenshots, & video article.
For apps that use promo videos, the Play button overlaps with Feature Graphic, which users can click on to start playing the video. If you have not provided a promotional video, only Graphics will be displayed.

Reviews and Ratings

The higher your rating, the more likely it is that new users can download the app and share feedback.

Feedback is not only an easy way to leave a review and evaluate your application.

Above is a brief squeeze of information collected during the work on optimizing mobile applications in the search results in the App Store and Google Play. I would be glad if it would be useful to someone while working with ASO.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/253969/

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